Around The House Happenings! Whole House Clean With Me / Tidy/ Get My Life Together Cleaning Service

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44 replies
  1. Isela Salas
    Isela Salas says:

    My mom takes care of my 10 month old and 2 year old daughter while I work. She also helped take care of my 18 year, 15 year, and 13 year old sons when they were babies so I could work. She’s always been a HUGE help and for that I’m always grateful

  2. Denise Fonda
    Denise Fonda says:

    Kim, do you have a UPS store? Take your Amazon returns to them. Meredith is a typical baby. Maybe it would work for you to try some child locks or put everything up high so she can’t reach😀 I know you didn’t “solicit” these suggestions, but we are “friends “ so, there you go. Our parents lived close and we never asked nor did they offer to watch our kids. My son and daughter-in-law don’t have children, but I can tell you I would love to babysit 😀.

  3. Brandi Siek
    Brandi Siek says:

    I only “expected “ my parents to babysit because they babysat my brothers four kids before I had my first! However, I think they totally took advantage of them, so I don’t ask very often and it’s always just for a short amount of time and I don’t make them do naps or bedtime. I am having my second baby soon though and my mom will stay with my son while I’m in the hospital, but she volunteered and so did my husband’s mom. I never expected to be paid for babysitting my nephews either, I feel like you just do that for family! If it was a regular scheduled thing though, that would definitely be a discussion to see how the grandparents would like to be compensated for their time.

  4. Donna Lighty
    Donna Lighty says:

    My parents didn't help from my grandparents and it wasn't expected. I also didn't expect my parents, I feel grandparents should be able to enjoy their life after retirement. 🙂

  5. Jillian
    Jillian says:

    My girls get into everything and love making art on the walls. I have resorted to not keeping anything they can use for their destruction at their level so they resorted to pulling chairs and piling pillows to reach them. I give up!

  6. Kay O
    Kay O says:

    My mother is pretty much in charge of my kids, because I am a major mess of forgetfulness and disorganization! I don't know what I would do without her. I am a single mother, and I don't cook, so I really need the help. My poor kids. My friend at work counts on her mother a lot, too, although her husband is basically Superdad.
    You have always decorated for the seasons, what is going on?? All the seasonal shopping, the tours through Home Goods!

  7. Lori Howell
    Lori Howell says:

    I don’t expect my Dad and MIL (both widowed) to help at all. And truthfully I am resentful. Not because they won’t babysit but that they are completely out of my boys life. I too plan on to be a hands on Grandma (and fill them up with sugar and send them home! 😝).

  8. Vickie Simmons
    Vickie Simmons says:

    I'm with you Kim. We haven't gotten much help with our kids and so we just learned to depend on ourselves. I have no expectations, it does bother me when grandparents show favoritism for certain siblings kids – like well they need more help than you. I will definitely be with my grand kids – ALL THE TIME.

  9. Martha T
    Martha T says:

    I always look forward to watching your videos. I suffer from severe depression but while watching your videos I’m somewhat happy inside. Your energy beams through the screen. Thank you.

  10. Cynthia Davis
    Cynthia Davis says:

    I had very little outside help with my kids when they were young. Now as a grandmother, I have told my daughters I expect to be asked first to watch my little boys. For me their is no greater joy than spending time with them and helping my girls at the same time. Who out there is with me on this one?

  11. The Aussie Family
    The Aussie Family says:

    Gel Bleach squirted on stainless steel sinks, give a little scrub all over and let sit for a few minutes and then wash off with hot water… Your sinks look like new and your disposal will smell fresh as a daisy (kinda) 🌸🐨🌸

  12. nanoo gatine
    nanoo gatine says:

    I don't expect the grand-parents to babysit unless I have no choice and it would be an assistance from them and I would be deeply gratefull from them!
    Having no dryer machine I have to fold my load of laundry in order to hang the next one and it dries slowly so one load per day max (we are only 2, it helps).
    Seing you hanging your family portrait (so nice btw) make me realize that we don't take enough good quality picture of ourselves in my family, I have to change it!

  13. Donna Kay
    Donna Kay says:

    I love to have my grandkids but to think of it as babysitting makes me think moms and dads don't babysit. I so love being with my grandkids and seeing them and their personalities grow its great! Love your content!

  14. Halie Hemmerling
    Halie Hemmerling says:

    I totally agree, Kim. “Expectations is where anger stems from” !!!!! I love that.
    I do not expect ANYONE including my parents to watch my children. It’s shocking to me that 75% said yes…


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