Apple Pie with 100% Freshly Milled Wheat | Thanksgiving Recipes | Apple Recipes

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Part 3 of our Thanksgiving 2022 series: Apple Pie! Seriously, what is Thanksgiving without apple pie????? Watch the video to see …

7 replies
  1. Ann Crabtree
    Ann Crabtree says:

    Felicia I used your original recipe but I used the shortening because I eat Kosher. I used sheet pan. I refrigerated dough for an hour and popped sheet pan in freezer. I used Saran, cling wrap on sheet pan and floured it then rolled pie crust out on it. Then rolled it onto the rolling pin.

  2. Lorie Flanders
    Lorie Flanders says:

    You’ve just got a tad too much water in your dough. You want to add ice water just a spoonful at a time until it stays together when you push it into a ball. Then wrap in plastic or place in a ziplock and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then roll it slowly and gently. This dough is just too wet.

  3. Christine Rachelle
    Christine Rachelle says:

    If you never tried it, add an egg and a little bit of apple cider vinegar to the dough. Makes all the difference in the world. Dough is much easier to handle. I also separate into disks, wrap tightly in saran wrap and freeze them before I use them. Pull them out to defrost in the fridge overnight, they roll out beautifully the next day.

  4. Sherry
    Sherry says:

    I wonder if putting the ball of dough between parchment paper, and then pressing it in a 10" tortilla press to shape it, would work? I'm going to try it lol. I'm new to your channel, and also to the world of milling grains. You are helping me so much! Thank you!

  5. teresa mcdermott
    teresa mcdermott says:

    The crust will still stick to a mat. It all needs to be really cold. I used to have a marble rolling pin and board that you put in the fridge and that keeps everything cold. You'll have a much flakier crust if you keep it cold and don't overwork it. I prefer to cook my fillings too if they haven't been canned. Nothing worse than doing all that work and then you cut into it and it's soup!

  6. Debi Turner
    Debi Turner says:

    Aww hun. Next time.. Divide the crust into two disks and let them rest, tightly wrapped in cling film, in the fridge for at least an hour or so only pulling out 1 disk at a time to work. And when ever it starts to get soft.. Back in the chill chest. Also.. If your room is warm.. It works better in a cold room. The counter top can also be chilled down by placing a cast iron dutch oven in the freezer a few hours before you start and when it comes time to start rolling it out, pull the pot out of the freezer and rub it around on the area you're going to use to roll out your crusts.


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