Anyone Can Make This 24 Hour OVEN Brisket (Surprising Results)

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Brisket is one of my favorite cuts of beef and with a little patience and some techniques taken from the savvy culinary world of …

24 replies
  1. ThatDudeCanCook
    ThatDudeCanCook says:

    There is no denying that a properly smoked brisket is one of the best pieces of meat you can eat in this crazy world but if you don't have a smoker (and a lot of people don't) Then this oven brisket is the next best
    thing, my friends!! HAPPY COOKING!!!

  2. HES
    HES says:

    Sunny is so blessed with so many people admiring and loving what he does. You deserve it, you seem to be a very nice guy and a great chef

  3. Jim
    Jim says:

    At first I was gonna make fun of this video for the sad trimming and not knowing the names of the points of the brisket. I run offset smokers for hours to do this. However after I watched this I can appreciate the honesty of this video and showing people how to do it in an over that don’t have a smoker. So I applaud you sir for showing people other ways to do things. Keep doing what your doing man.

  4. thomabb
    thomabb says:

    I wrap before the stall, usually around 140. The stall phenomenon occurs because moisture leaving the meat has a cooling effect. Wrapping right before the stall helps to conserve that moisture, making a better finished product.

  5. Joey Richardson
    Joey Richardson says:

    I'm 100% going to do this Psycho. OMG I love your food, show, and personality. This one is gonna be epic in my house! My wife may slap me it's gonna be so good! I'll let you know… And I'm out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. MugivaraLuffy
    MugivaraLuffy says:

    Trying the recipe right now, don't know, maybe my oven is strange, but when I put 120 celcius, and use prob at the middle of the oven, it's about 90… So I move the temp up to 160, and at the middle of the oven is 120 now… But meat reached 73 in 3 hours, not 6.5… Something strange…


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