Answering Your Questions Part 2

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We continue with providing answers to questions submitted by viewers. So many good questions! Link to our website: …

41 replies
  1. Sue W
    Sue W says:

    Pam , I asked you as to why my canned beans are smelling do bad when I can them. Your suggestion was to use bottle water and YOU WERE RIGHT! I used distilled bottle water and I am so pleased with my canned pinto beans! THANK YOU so much.

  2. Bobby Dutton
    Bobby Dutton says:

    Rose I too want to thank you and Jim for all you share with us and help us understand so much better. I have a question that I only trust you to help me with. I happened to buy way to many salt water taffy and so I wondered if I could put them in jars and use my food saver to keep them fresh for a time? Just want to be sure this is safe.

  3. Sherry Grable
    Sherry Grable says:

    Question… have you ever salt cured pork belly? I have recently started looking into curing meat and am told the meat after cured can hang in the kitchen without refrigeration. What a blessing that would be. I would feel much more confident if you could perhaps research it and teach us.
    I love seeing all of your post. Thank you and Jim for all of your research and work!

  4. Jl Mitchell
    Jl Mitchell says:

    Thankyou love your attention to detail I have bottled with rings lids clips fruit in sugar water mix and no sugar in VACOLA container for years and would like to begin dehydrating what brand should I be looking at I would like one like you use will it work in AUSTRALIA with our different power if I buy from Amazon? Yours sincerely Joy

  5. Terry Zolnik
    Terry Zolnik says:

    Hello Pam, new canner here at 74. So appreciate your experience and scientific approach. Have watched so many of your videos!! And have canned many things in the past 2 months. Would it be correct to state that you boil everything you pressure can for 10 minutes before you eat it to kill any toxins and may I ask the source of that information? Despite following the directions to a T, as a nurse I am still concerned about botulism 😑. Help!

  6. Kathy Jenkins
    Kathy Jenkins says:

    When you were talking about ghee, you said botulism cannot grow in fat. Yet the USDA says do not take your garlic and leave it on the countertop in olive oil because botulism can grow in it. That you need to acidify it first. So doesn’t that mean botulism can grow in fat?

  7. mwolkonsky
    mwolkonsky says:

    I have 2 cow tongues I want to put in jars. I wonder how this could be done in getting the membrane off of the tongue. Can this be done? I know it's an odd question but I really want to know.

  8. Cheryl Des
    Cheryl Des says:

    Informative as always :0) TYSM Jim and Pam for all your guidance. 10 months into my canning and dehydrating I am still just as in awe of the processes as when I started. You have made my journey delightful even through the mistakes and nervousness of learning new skills. As I reflect on the beginning to where I am at now it amazes me how those questions in this and the previous Q & A I have had myself and have navigated through. If you are a beginner just try it and yes you will have mistakes but thats is always a part of learning new skills 😉 Trust in the process and guidelines and you will be successful 🙂

  9. Tess5823
    Tess5823 says:

    I’m new to canning and I just canned 5 qts of ground beef. I browned the beef, put it in the jars with hot water leaving an inch headspace, got the bubbles out. My jars sealed but I lost about an inch of water from each jar, are they safe? Thank you!!

  10. Sheba
    Sheba says:

    Thanks so much for addressing my question on how to store pool shock. I have a plastic jug that cheese balls came in but has a snap on lid, but will keep looking for a jug with a screw on plastic lid. I learned a lot from the other answers you talked about for the others here as well. I had more of the same questions to ask but other people had already asked and you answered them within this video and Part 1. God Bless! 🤗

  11. Spartacus
    Spartacus says:

    Is there a reason why one should or should not blanch green beans before freezing? Plans to freeze before canning this year, but may end up eating some "fresh" too.

  12. Rebecca Hyde
    Rebecca Hyde says:

    Thank you for all the time your time you give us! I wish you had been one of my professors in college! My question is i canned some green peas 1/2 pint and went by the instructions with my pressure canner for 40 minutes. Almost all the liquid has come out of the cans but they are sealed. Do I need to recan?

  13. Donna Schnaath
    Donna Schnaath says:

    If y'please ma'am, is it imperative to take all that powdered stuff (milk, flour, fruits) out of their own bags (some are in pretty heavy, firm bags & transfer to mylar or glass for such short term storage? I've not enough to last two yrs, so we'll be using this food right along. Seems they'd do alright in their own packages for that short a time. Otherwise wouldn't I have to be continually getting into the buckets when needed & reapply fresh oxygen absorbers each time.

    Also, I just finally got to where I was going to transfer potato flakes to a mylar bag when I read included in the ingredients of the flakes is mono diglycerides from palm oil! How do I store those now because they're prob not dry enough & botulism might grown same as in brown rice or stuff w/ oil? What do I do w/ em now? Store in a jar w/ No absorber?? Really need answers as I've had this food waiting weeks for the bags & stuff to arrive & now that it's time still have a few things I need to know. Not getting answers. Thank you.

  14. The Grateful Hippie
    The Grateful Hippie says:

    Do you have any tips for vacuum sealing in jars granular and powdered foods? I'm getting particles under the seal and that is causing the seal to fail. I'm using the canning lid attachment for the food saver.

  15. Dale Ryman
    Dale Ryman says:

    I have 3 questions: one about water, one about meat and one about butter.

    1. Can you waterbath or pressure can water in quart or half gallon mason jars for long term storage? And, if so, does it need to be treated somehow before: filtered, RO or bleach added?

    2. I know uncured meat shouldn't be canned, but can UNCURED hot dogs, smoked sausages or bacon be safely canned as other meats or are processed meats a no no?

    3. When it comes to canning butter, I know canning dairy of any sort is considered unsafe but am confused as to why. You can obviously buy evaporated and condensed milk in cans and as I understand it, ghee is considered safe because the milk solids are removed. Wouldn't processing butter be as safe as meat if pressure canned? If not, why?

    I look forward to your answers. I always find your videos so informative and I love how you explain from a scientific point of view rather than opinion based responses. Please never change!

  16. Playinatlife
    Playinatlife says:

    Thanks Pam…and Jim! I love your practical, scientifically-based answers to these questions. For the person asking about recanning corn and peas, another option is dehydration, at least for the corn. I'm not sure how the peas would turn out, but I dehydrate frozen corn. It makes a tasty, sweet snack but also can be rehydrated.

  17. Jeanne
    Jeanne says:

    Thanks for all of the great information. I appreciated your educated answers.
    I'd love the recipe for the soup you feature in your introduction. It's the one with a lemon slice in it.

  18. chloe jasper
    chloe jasper says:

    Pam,I doubt you are able to read the comments…..too busy. BUT I WANTED to tell you….your name comes up all over the COMMENTS on all kinds of other channels. Anytime anyone asks about CANNING….time after time your name is suggested/recommended as the "go to" top notch resource!!

  19. Passioakka
    Passioakka says:

    Sweden calling! You and Jim do a tremendous job with this…thank you! I do have a question and will keep looking for a video on that; kale! I want to avoid freezing as much as I can. So have you ever tried to dehydrate it (and I am now talking about cabbage heads)? How does it become after freezedrying? You know, fermented cabbage is good for you but there is a limit for how much you can eat of that! 😄

  20. Toni Stephens
    Toni Stephens says:

    I loved the music that you used to have at the beginning of your videos. I still love your channel, but liked the old intro style and music much better. Thank you dear lady for all you do! God bless you and Jim.

  21. Veronica McClure
    Veronica McClure says:

    One of my Mom's Sister-in-laws once got the idea she had to take off the lid of my Gram's pressure cooker and see what was being cooked, 🙃 and beet greens juice exploded all over everything in my Gram's kitchen. Of it became a family story

  22. Veronica McClure
    Veronica McClure says:

    There are actually people who take things literally: i.e. if canned goods labels say they are good for 5 years or 20, they may suppose they can keep it shelved that long? They couldn't have had Grandmothers to hear what they did with their canned and preserved bounty from Summer fields and gardens.

  23. Echols2009
    Echols2009 says:

    The fruit and sugar thing is done in other countries. I think Ajubaijan. My spelling is abysmal. But I have watched several canning videos from that country


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