Answering my MOST ASKED question— what is my husbands job?

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34 replies
  1. Krishna
    Krishna says:

    I stumbled upon your videos recently and im obsessed with them
    And i watch them along with other "cooking" chanels and lets be honest i would only watch for entertainment but im too lazzy to actually do anything
    Have i asked myself : where does get the money for all those things
    Like going to eat out and such
    But it doesn't matter aslong as you continue posting videos i wouldn't care less id juat be happy that y'all are living the life and are healthy as possibly

  2. Jillian Deleon
    Jillian Deleon says:

    Thank you for understanding that some people are just genuinely curious and it’s not to be nosy or rude or disrespectful. And thank you for explaining what he does , I’m sure you have a lot of young viewers who are trying to come into this world and find what makes them happy as far as jobs go . It’s never rude to ask someone what they do for work ! You should have no shame in your game !

  3. Dylan Castellanos
    Dylan Castellanos says:

    I actually stopped watching this video not even a minute in.
    What your husband does for a living is no one's business except yours and his.
    As you said, he's a private man and didn't want anyone to know.
    The fact that people basically hound you about where your husband works is just icky, imho.
    It may seem like an innocent question to some. But the fact that it went unanswered for God knows how long should have been enough incentive for people to stop asking.

  4. Eman Khan
    Eman Khan says:

    Ngl it actually would be interesting to just get even the basic basic information about what you need to get started doing that, though if we are interested, we could easily search it up 😂

  5. Andrea Hagen
    Andrea Hagen says:

    Why would you not only tell people what your husband does but who he works for. I feel like he deserves some privacy. Just remember, people only know what you tell them. I enjoy your posts and never needed to know your husband’s business.

  6. -:Brian:-
    -:Brian:- says:

    I thought he is the professional gamer and streamer but he has some business cuz every time she makes dinner videos she put his portion beside him and he’s playing games😂


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