Angels of Bataan – US Army Nurses in Japanese Captivity

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The story of the brave US Army nurses abandoned to the enemy at the fall of Corregidor Island to the Japanese following the long Bataan Peninsula battle in the …

18 replies
  1. Sharon Whiteley
    Sharon Whiteley says:

    I read a book about some of the atrocities these nurses faced.
    1. Considered as "expendable" by their own government and country.
    2. All of these nurses should have received recognition.
    3. It shouldn't take 40 years to recognize the services of 1 or 2 nurses.

    What they endured. Their accomplishments and heroism are far beyond what is NORMAL EVERYDAY DUTIES.

  2. Robert Clifton
    Robert Clifton says:

    This is amazing ….. I was stationed there for 2 years and kick myself for not learning more of what happened beyond the bataan death march . They are heros as far as I am concerned unlike that self centered POS MacArthur ! That part about the subs coming in and American company's making them pay the IOUs after what they went through is disgusting . Godbless all who were there 🇺🇸

  3. American Minutemen
    American Minutemen says:

    Please, report on conditions for japanese and German prisoners.

    By the way, my Dad was in europe, apparently relatively nearby when George Patton's "accident" occurred. His report was significantly different from what that you reported.

    Additionally, I recall him indicating that the German men were better behaved tham men from this country.

  4. Joe
    Joe says:

    My father had troubling memories of his days in PI . I returned home as a Vietnam Vet and a Philippine Island lover, he and I became closer.. He always insisted that America will always owe the wonderful People of PI for saving our hide! *

  5. Lama Gendun
    Lama Gendun says:

    I'm wondering where the RED CROSS was during all this? Isn't that one of their functions – to address and mitigate this sort of horror? Or is that only applicable to signatories to the Geneva Convention? Leaving victims of the Japanese SOL?


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