ANABOLIC TRIPLE BACONATOR | The BEST & BIGGEST Anabolic Burger! | High Protein Wendy's Recipe

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45 replies
  1. Puddleglum56
    Puddleglum56 says:

    Broo you’re missing out by not seasoning the burger patties. Mix some Worcestershire sauce, some onion powder, salt, pepper, and egg whites (and some msg if you’re really feeling savory) into the ground beef and it tastes 10x better.

  2. Dark Apprentice
    Dark Apprentice says:

    Rem, I usually like the highlights of what you put out, but I'm not with you this time, homie. You're going WAY harder than you need to with this one and honestly, it looks like it tastes like depression. My honest critique (NO HATE):

    – Use 93% beef instead of 96%. You can still VERY easily get away with it in terms of protein vs calories, and it'll be just a LITTLE better and a LITTLE less dry.
    – Instead of turkey bacon, either use the packs of "Real Bacon Pieces" you used in your breakfast quesadillas, or just cook your own bacon and do your best to remove the fattiest pieces after it's crispy. Saves fat while maintaining full bacon flavor. Not as pretty, but tastes WAY better and probably has a similar macro ratio to turkey bacon.
    – Lite Mayo instead of fat-free. I've never had fat-free mayo, but I've eaten enough fat-free foods to know that there's usually a HUGE difference. Lite mayo basically still tastes like mayo.
    – Personal Preference: 2 patties instead of 3. I always find it more daunting than necessarily to have to break my jaw in order to eat a burger because it's too big, but to each their own. I just find 2 patties to be more manageable than 3

    If you do it this way (2 quarter-pound 93% patties, 14g bacon pieces, lite mayo, fat-free ketchup, fat-free cheese, regular great value burger bun), you still get: 63g protein / 576 calories. Which is an EXCELLENT protein ratio, one that would EASILY fit into any diet. Just FYI for anyone actually reading this

    Nothing but love, brother! Been on this diet a little over a month now and I've seen AMAZING results already….and other people have noticed more than I have! I'm not the biggest or most muscular I've ever been (yet) but I AM the most cut and ripped that I've EVER been at this weight. I'm 6'2 and 194 lbs and I haven't seen my abs this clearly since I was maybe in the high 170's – low 180's. And it only took a MONTH! And it's all thanks to you for opening my eyes to a very sustainable method of dieting! I've never stayed this consistent before.

    Please keep up the good work!

  3. Aaron Smith
    Aaron Smith says:

    Oh REM You must not have a friendlys near you they had a double cheeseburger W/bacon between two grilled cheese that clog some arteries your sandwich looks great!!


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