An ENCOURAGING Message: Prepping Without Fear. (Sufficient Unto the Day is its Own Trouble.)

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Hopefully you’ll find this concept as encouraging as I do. There is no reason to get worked up over every piece of bad news that …

13 replies
  1. Denise Scull
    Denise Scull says:

    Yes, this was an encouraging thought you shared. I really appreciate that you haven't jumped on the doom and gloom bandwagon. It's an interesting phenomenon that has happened with several homesteading and prepping channels doing this. I can understand how it could happen when subscriber numbers and $ jump, I'm sure it would be hard to resist. I had to stop watching the news and watching these kinds of videos and really, really don't know what's going on in the world unless something pops up on accident. It's really only a couple of generations that even know the word "prepping". My grandmother would think it was a normal way of life, not prepping, to have a year of stores. I'm glad you are teaching and/or reminding us to be ready and depend on ourselves. I really needed to hear about wanting the next thing, because you are so right, there always is the next thing. Thanks Cathy!

  2. Shirley Parker
    Shirley Parker says:

    I feel the same. Every day there is a new life and death click bait headline. I see the wisdom in stockpiling. But I don't yet see the need in having 500 pounds each of rice and beans. I don't can or dehydrate so I depend on canned and packaged foods. I buy canned chicken for my dogs in case dog food is unavailable. I don't eat that much meat. But I too have had to let go of quite a few of the sites I used to enjoy because they've become increasingly alarmist. Put together with the feuding among some channels about a week ago and the realization that quite a few, when you get down to it, want to sell me something, well that alone makes me ask if I can take them seriously. Plus, though I know times are hard and will get harder as long we have the current government in power, I don't honestly believe we will see empty shelves. I think there may be some shortages and gaps and we may well have to change our tastes to those things that are available and affordable. I put my trust in God, pray for my country and pray that somehow, some way we can get honorable men and women into office in the future. Thank you for not being alarmist and thank you for the chance to rant a bit on your site. These things have been on my mind a lot as well. Fear does not help. Not at all. God Bless.

  3. Growing A Green Thumb
    Growing A Green Thumb says:

    Thank you for not being the click bait prepper. I love your outlook to be prepared not scared. This is how I try to be as well and it's so off-putting to see channels calling people who aren't living scared stupid. Your positive attitude is refreshing

  4. Abel Valley Farm
    Abel Valley Farm says:

    Ive had to step away from alot of “prep channels” as they are very doom and gloom. And as a mama it made me feel so anxious and it also made me prep fearfully and thats not ok. I understand greatly why they go that route for videos… fear, doom, glooom and drama gets views which in return pays there bills.. but ive had to choose good wholesoke happier channels. Your one of the ONLY channels i watch every single video u post and the second I see it he notifications i jump for joy lol.

  5. sschueneman
    sschueneman says:

    Wow another wonderful soup recipe. I will be trying it. Saved it from Ruchi's web site. Thank you. You are so sweet. Thank you for being you. Thank you for respecting recipes from others. I like how you approach life. When things get tough or I am challenged, my self talk is "it's my time to shine". This helps me to be my best no matter the circumstance I am encountering. Thank you for another wonderful video and the time you take to make them.

  6. Maria Fraser
    Maria Fraser says:

    Keep up the good work others are the world is going to end or the ones that constantly trying to sell something there will always be something we have to do our best and carry on 🙂

  7. Linda R
    Linda R says:

    You are such a breath of fresh air when it comes to prepping channels. I am so exhausted by seeing all the doom and gloom headlines that come over my feed. I won't even watch them because I know that it's just sensationalism. While there is always a real possibility that something horrible can/will happen, why get people so worked up that they overreact and don't think clearly. That to me is just dangerous IMO.


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