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I’m dedicating February to freezer meals! All this month I’ll be sharing tips and recipes for filling your freezer. It’ll help you save …

11 replies
  1. Bettye Hayden
    Bettye Hayden says:

    Jamie when I buy tomatoes and can’t use them all, I don’t wash them but put in a ziplock bag and freeze whole. I use them in soups and casseroles ( after washing of coarse) the peel comes off very easy when running under water. I also wash, cut up and prepare bell peppers and freeze too.

  2. Vickie Patterson
    Vickie Patterson says:

    Great haul Jaime! 😍
    Looks like you're set up for some nice freezer meals! 😘
    Let me tell you about my experience with Alfredo sauce and other pasta meals. Last year I made a huge macaroni and cheese casserole. It had several kinds of cheese, including cream cheese, sour cream, grated cheese and a liquid cheese like Ragu or cream of cheese soup. The recipe made a huge casserole dish plus a couple of small baking pans. It froze beautifully because it was baked before it was frozen.
    I've also done the same thing with lasagna, put it all together and baked it before freezing. Alfredo sauce only freezes well if it's been cooked with pasta before freezing. The key to using a cheese sauce is to bake it with pasta first.
    Just dumping the ingredients into a freezer bag before cooking any of the ingredients doesn't meld together that way.
    But these are all dishes that can be baked together then divided into meal sized portions for the freezer.
    I once made a huge lasagna that filled up two casserole dishes. I baked it off then cut up each dish into single servings and vacuum sealed each serving and put them in the freezer. Whenever I wanted lasagna, I would pull out a serving and heat it up.
    You can do the same thing with a chicken Alfredo pasta dish and bake all the components together. Then you can freeze the amount you need for a meal and take it out of the freezer as you want to eat it.
    That's the best way I've found when working with cheese sauces. Pouring a jar of Alfredo sauce into a freezer bag with other ingredients just doesn't come out cohesive.
    These baked casseroles with cheese sauces come out so much better if baked before freezing. Then all you have to do before eating is simply heat them up.
    Rice is another thing that needs prepping before freezing. It really works best if cooked with sauce and other things before freezing. Sometimes you can use instant rice when making a freezer meal. Since the cook time isn't as long it will cook with the other ingredients to make a more cohesive dish.
    Plus you might find it more convenient to have a fully cooked meal in the freezer that just needs heating up.
    Making freezer meals allows you to have complete meals ready to throw into the crockpot. But having fully prepared and cooked meals in the freezer will really help when you're running a lot during the week. It's great to have both kinds of meals in the freezer!
    I love pasta dishes with lots of creamy cheesy sauce! But cooking for one person, I have a lot of portions and freezing is the best way to preserve them.
    The same works for rice! You can make your favorite rice bowl with all the different ingredients. Then freeze it for a fully cooked meal for later. You can actually set it in the fridge the night before and it'll be thawed and ready to heat up for lunch!
    This actually gives you two ways of preparing meals for the freezer. If certain components don't work cohesively with other ingredients, just try cooking it together first.
    I've been prepping meals for a number of years. And these are some things I've learned (some the hard way). See what works for you! 😋
    Thanks for sharing another great video! 🥰


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