Amber’s New Boo 👻 Should Be Spooked *live react*

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17:36 amber goes live, hints new girlfriend 33:04 react returns 44:01 Amber treats her ex like crap LIVE amberlynn treating becky …

29 replies
  1. canadianzengirl
    canadianzengirl says:

    Becky literally did everything for Amber and Amber has the complete and utter gall to call her selfish. Wow. Look that word up in the dictionary, Amber, because I don't think you know what it means. Omigod.

  2. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    I live in Oklahoma and if the rumors are true about her coming here then our girl will bump up to THC. It’s legal for medical here and extremely easy to get the license completely online. There are also drive through dispensaries. Our gorl doesn’t even have to stand up.

  3. Leslie Coler
    Leslie Coler says:

    I wish Fingerlynn the BIGGEST Karma ever!!!! All she does is LYE!!!! Glad she didn't make much from the super chats….Me and Faline… She can't even talk right…. .Talking to the new slave while online…. Who would want her!! I will always have Beckys back!!! Fingerlynn only loves Fingerlynn…

  4. Leslie Coler
    Leslie Coler says:

    Fingerlynn Reid had the most boring live ever.. Hope she stays away!!! Glad she didn't make much money with the super chats!!!!! No one should pay her a cent!!! I will give to Becky all the time!!! Love her after what Fingerlynn did to her…..

  5. Super Awesome
    Super Awesome says:

    shes not addressing her mental issues. Shes restricting herself way too much and eventually shes going binge and binge hard. shes getting in a relationship out of necessity not for love.

  6. City Dweller
    City Dweller says:

    If our gorl truly is sealing the deal of a new girlfriend… I hope she's made sure to specify that this new girlfriend needs to appear in some of her videos.. and to do a girlfriend tag (that way we can do a compare and contrast between the girlfriend tags of Destiny/ALR, Becky/ALR, and I think even ALR/Krystle did one).

  7. Olicnana
    Olicnana says:

    We’ll know she’s with her new carer when she stops trying to look presentable. I use that term really loosely. No more winged eyeliner once fish has been caught.

  8. Olicnana
    Olicnana says:

    It doesn’t matter to me that people are giving money to Becky – it’s that she’s ASKING. She can’t pull this woe is me for much longer. In my eyes, that act is passed it’s expiration date.

  9. Hyrulian_Child
    Hyrulian_Child says:

    I’m on team she’s moving to Virginia only because I think Fleen is moving back to New York and she can conveniently drop Amber off on her drive home. That’s why Amber is getting a mover for her stuff and not for herself.

  10. Sasha Miranda
    Sasha Miranda says:

    Well Amber hooking up with Faline would explain the Fool reversed energy that was in your reading. The Fool reversed is all about spontaneity and it seems it is being played out in many aspects of Ambers life as reflected in the sudden break up, and her deciding to move and choose an apartment sight unseen. You also pulled Death reversed I believe, which is old situations (her relationship with Faline?) preventing her from moving forward. The other major card was the Chariot reversed showing aggression and lashing out at others, but can also indicate problems with transport associated with her move.

  11. Raven 209
    Raven 209 says:

    Omad, won’t last, right now she’s in the trying to find a new caretaker phase, then it’s just a matter of time and she’s back to her old ways.rinse and repeat.

  12. Sam IAm
    Sam IAm says:

    The most aggravating part of yesterday's livestream for me was Amber lying about her mom saying she didn't harm a service animal. She did, we have proof, her criminal history is public it's one of her many charges. You don't hurt animals or kids, no excuses. And it just hit a huge nerve for me when Amber decided to lie and say her mom never did it. Why lie about something that's so easily proven?

  13. Crazy Old Bat
    Crazy Old Bat says:

    I did notice how Amber refused to call this her “single era” a few weeks ago. She claimed it was because she didn’t want to be defined by her status but it was clear she had NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER to remain single. She knows she can’t be content by herself. It’s pathetic and she knows it.


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