AMAZING Potato Harvest & How To Do It

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit How To Prep Potatoes For Long Storage Life:

29 replies
  1. aft
    aft says:

    do you have to sift out the fine roots from the soil before the next planting? and can you plant straight after the removed crop or do you have to wait till the next frost date?

  2. Jeannie Scarber
    Jeannie Scarber says:

    If ye are prepared you will eat really, really well. (Not scriptural, but I like it!). We planted our potatoes too late this year so we had an unimpressive harvest. I can’t wait until next year!

  3. Barbara Hamilton
    Barbara Hamilton says:

    Your kitty was looking at you like, “Dad, I’m here. Pet me. Who are you talking to???!”
    Thank you for another great gardening video. I never tire of seeing your beautiful veggie yields!

  4. Steve C
    Steve C says:

    I don't eat potatoes anymore, haven't had one for over a year now. Also, I believe in being prepared but I'll never consider myself to be a "prepper" with its near cult-like status obsessing about SHTF and TEOTWAWKI scenarios and disastrous rainy days to the exclusion of missing enjoying the nice days.

  5. Claudia Claverie
    Claudia Claverie says:

    I thought you went back east to learn to fly a plane that you bought from Canada. I was also wondering why after you did that one video about what President Nelson‘s letter meant and what it didn’t mean I hadn’t seen anything else from you so I’m surprised that this showing up as 10 hours ago somebody must be at home posting your videos that you did when you took that long hiatus break and I didn’t see anything.

  6. David Carter
    David Carter says:

    Most excellent! I’ll buy the book, but I gave 2 questions. Can I start out by mixing sand and sawdust with the soil I have? Also, is the source of the sawdust important? I have a large cabinet shop near me, and they have plenty. Thank you.

  7. RoadTripper
    RoadTripper says:

    Thanks for sharing your harvest. Can you provide some details about storing your potatoes in a refrigerator? For example temperature, how long they last, if/when they start to sprout… Thanks!


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