ALL NEW WiFi Crockpot – Crack Chicken

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37 replies
  1. Very annoying
    Very annoying says:

    My aunt got one of these for her birthday, but she didn't try it. Hopefully her pot isn't busted. They don't make things like they used to. Maybe someone like Tesla could make a good wi-fi crockpot.

  2. 11jazzygd11
    11jazzygd11 says:

    I don't need WiFi anything concerning cooking. My standard crockpots and instapots along with ovens, etc. work just fine. Sorry you had all the frustration but you may have helped others along the way. Thanks!

  3. Regina Beasley
    Regina Beasley says:

    Jack go on YouTube type in the model and there will be a video on how to use it or call you cable carrier maybe your modem isn't powerful enough to handle the wi fi I was having trouble with my home wifi it kept freezing so I got the right representative and he asked me what color was my modem turned out I wasn't getting the correct speed that I was paying for so he sent me a self install kit which was a upgraded modem I installed it ( watching a YouTube how to video) and since then my wifi works great

  4. Bickey A.J.M
    Bickey A.J.M says:

    You were funny Jack, you made my evening. I understand your frustration, I've been there several times. I still can not get a sound bar because everyone that I found at a descent price, they don't have a high definition plug for a blue ray player. I also had other things that could not get to work, so I ended up returning. I'm laughing as I'm typing this. It's ok to use those dirty words, I use them myself, I just don't strong curse words or bad words that have God in them. Funny, I was the one who emailed you a while back asking you if a Christian can curse because I don't like curse words that have God or Jesus in them. You told me what to do, which is tell the person that I don't like it and that God will judge the person for their sin in anyway. Ahh yeah Jack that was. I enjoyed this video.


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