Afternoon/ Evening Routine of an Elementary Teacher | Bridging Literacy

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LINKS MENTIONED: Morning Routine Video: Mini Crockpot: Lunchbox: …

24 replies
  1. Carmen W.
    Carmen W. says:

    The small practical tips (changing your welcome dates and announcements the afternoon before class, putting your badge in the same pocket as soon as you get to your car, immediately cleaning out your lunch bag when you get home) are what make a HUGE difference when you already have a thousand decisions to make in a day. Sometimes it’s the little things that help put us into a groove that we can build momentum from. Thank you for sharing! Very helpful

  2. Brenda Thompson
    Brenda Thompson says:

    Love these ideas! You are like a carbon copy of me. When I was teaching (I retired the same year as Michelle-ha!) I taught 5th/6th ELA and would always prep my room for the next day! It really would save me, cause let's face it, mornings are hard! Love your house-your son is getting so big! ETA: I started watching you and Michelle about 8-9 years ago. It was my first year at a new school and man, I was struggling! Unfortunately, I had the worse "team" of teachers; I really felt alone. There was no collaboration of any kind! :(. You guys saved me. I would tune in to your vlogs for encouragement. I watched your struggles and your triumphs, and it helped me get through the year! I will always be thankful for you two!

  3. Madison Freeman
    Madison Freeman says:

    I’ve followed you for quite a while, and I admire you! You inspire me as an educator! ❤

    Could you share your favorite teacher Youtubers that you like to watch? A lot of my favorites are no longer teaching or focus on non-teaching things.

  4. anita weir
    anita weir says:

    This is excellent, always wanting to get to this point, and love the reminders of things to add to the list!! Love the space you have for students, and the independence you create…I love my time cleaning too, and watching a video; Yes! I prop mine up too, and I do coffee in. the night too, especially in the winter!!! My time with my own interest too!

  5. Heather Charlton
    Heather Charlton says:

    I know you love your mini crockpot , but is there a way you could meal prep on Sunday so you don’t have to make your lunch every night? Also, your morning routine, could you drink your coffee first, then use your same coffee cup for your water.?

  6. Michelle MP
    Michelle MP says:

    Loved this video Bridget! And I also prop my phone up on a ledge to watch a YouTube video or show on Netflix while I wash my dishes. I love that me time as you said. Take care, and thanks for sharing! ❤

  7. Roderick Woodard
    Roderick Woodard says:

    I’ve been following your teaching for 7 years now! 😀. I’ve been an elementary classroom teacher for 5 years and have taught 3rd grade, 5th grade, and Art/STEM. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my teaching career! 😀.


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