Affordable Homemade Non-dairy Milk and Nut Butters in Minutes!

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FOR $100 OFF THE NUTRAMILK MACHINE, PLEASE GO TO No code is necessary because the discount will be …

20 replies
  1. K L
    K L says:

    Chef AJ, do you use this now in place of your food processor too? I really want to buy, but only if I can put away the food processor and the Vitamix 🤔

  2. Vegan Peace
    Vegan Peace says:

    I bought the Nutramilk last year after Chef AJ did a demo live show with one of the women from the company that makes the machine. Like Chef AJ said it has paid for itself already by helping me make what I think is the best thick and "creamy" oat milk without oil, sugar or other additives that I've ever tasted. I can make a half gallon of thick oat milk, (actually there's a way I use it that is not according to the manufacturer's instructions, but I've been doing it for several months and it hasn't hurt my machine) for about $1.30 as opposed to what a half gallon of store bought oatmilk costs. I've been buying 50 lb. bags of organic steel cut oat groats from Azure Standard for about $50.00 a bag since the pandemic started, I find it takes 4 cups of soaked oat groats to make a half gallon of premium thick oat milk. You can also use 5 cups of rolled oats to make it. I've used my Blendtec high speed blender to make it before (I do it while I occasionally travel on vacation) then strained it and it comes out really thick. But it is definitely not the same quality and is harder to make than the Nutramilk makes it. Also, I use the leftover oat fiber from inside of the Nutramilk, mixed with whole wheat flour to make whole grain bread and pasta so nothing is wasted. I am super happy with this machine and will get another one if mine ever breaks. (I didn't get the smoothie bowl for mine so I can't review that part).

  3. Pamela Fornell Haugeland
    Pamela Fornell Haugeland says:

    This machine looks mwonderful! I live in Norway and I have never seen it here. Ordering it online is probably not an option either as we have different electricity and plugs here in Europe. I have been buying Oatly's oatmilk. They have several types but – at least here in Norway, they have one with only oats, water and a pinch of sea salt. No added sugars or emulsifiers. But I am now going to look for a similar machine to this one!

  4. Sally
    Sally says:

    Thanks Chef AJ! I just ordered mine and they are having a sale until 11-29-21. I got mine for 399.00. I didn’t order the extra bowl maybe after I get this paid off. Love your videos.

  5. Bryant E
    Bryant E says:

    Awesome! I was about to look into the "Almond cow", but I'm assuming it doesn't keep the pulp fiber? This one seems way better 🙂 I was also curious, as you were making the peanut butter, have you ever tried "Peanut milk"?

  6. Jessica Eiss
    Jessica Eiss says:

    AJ, does the milk separate again after it's made, does shaking it back up keep it blended again for awhile? I just don't know if it is a purchase I need to make, but I like this idea for the peanut butter too, instead of my Vita.

  7. jessikachu
    jessikachu says:

    Ordered one! I have such a hard time finding nut milk and nut butters with few ingredients, plus they're expensive, plus I go through so much of both! Thank you so much – this will save me a lot of money! 🙂

  8. Daniel Becker
    Daniel Becker says:

    A lot of people don't realize that plant based milks have a lot of oil. Oat, Soy, Almond – a lot of oil (and usually carrageean). However, making your own oil free plant melk is the way to go. I no longer consume any store bought plant milk because of the oil content and the excessive plastic packaging (i.e. Califia). I am determined to stay on my WFPB no oil way of eating and never go back. Keep up the good work Chef AJ.

  9. Ima Purnomo
    Ima Purnomo says:

    I love that machine. I bought 1 to replace my big blender. I hate to waste any nut butter leftover in it, so i added cooked rice+1L water & blend. Then i simply pour everything into a pot & bring it to boil to make tasty Chinese dessert.

  10. Mandy M
    Mandy M says:

    I can't believe it's been 9 months since I bought my NutraMilk! I've enjoyed making my own oat milk, I've lost count of how many batches I've made. I really should use the machine more for other things too ☺️👍 So glad you promote this machine because now I have single ingredient oat milk and buy less packaging ✌️


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