Adventures With Danno “Live Show!” – Friday Night Chat!

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In tonight’s Livestream we will be discussing current events, and everything you would like to talk about!

30 replies
    MARY WELLS says:

    Hi Jess and Danno! The weather has been so crazy lately. In South Carolina where I live one day it's like spring and then the next day it's like fall again! Happy Halloween!

  2. Kathy Meacham
    Kathy Meacham says:

    Yesterday I went to Walgreens I bought trash bags 5 things of cup o noodles tea paper plates and 2 Reese cups and it was 48.00 when I got home looked what the heck sick of this crap 💩 jeez

  3. tzinanechumah
    tzinanechumah says:

    You guys 💏 are just SO cute.
    Love watching anything your sharing. 😎🎉👰
    I would keep the title the same, it's your 'brand' name and it's now becoming recognized.
    Sure, include some Adventures: cooking, play some music for us, show us your Trick or Treaters, vacations, or whatever it is. We are here, with ya. 💐
    Love and blessings from Israel

  4. Kathie From Missouri, USA
    Kathie From Missouri, USA says:

    Target used to have these really cool round metal stands with shelves. People buy them to put Instant Pots on, but I bet Crock Pots would fit on them, too. Plus you can put magnetic hooks (from Amazon) on the cart to hang utensils & potholders from. I wonder if Target still carries the carts? That could free up s8me counter space for you.

  5. Karen Baxter
    Karen Baxter says:

    I watch your channel because it inspires me to purchase affordable groceries even though many of your stores are not in my country……..In our country getting your Mortgage interest rate down is a big thing because houses are expensive and you can save thousands of dollars every year……There is a little trick we just encountered that our banks are doing and that is if you ask for a basic ( no extras) home loan they will put it in the paperwork under a standard home loan ( which has a higher interest rate) and the document will say you get the same Intererst rate as a Basic Home Loan but this rate can change at the banks discretion…… would be like seeing a special for a giant Bag of Halloween Candy for $30 but when go through the check out the cashier says it's $60 because she uses her 'discretion' and say the price has changed…….It can cost you $$$$$ so be careful people. I have never seen this trick before and the wording is really deceptive……We walked away because my husband doesn't like being deceived like this.


    Bagels are different. They seem to freeze better. I freeze them when on sale.
    You guys are so cute. And I start my day watching your videos with a cup of coffee. Which I’ve stocked up on 😂

  7. Carol Martin
    Carol Martin says:

    Hi Danno and Jess, enjoyed your livestream tonight as usual. Special treat was having Jess join you. Can’t wait to see your Christmas decorations because it’s such a beautiful time of the year. I am also looking forward to your trip to Walmart. I think more people watch your Walmart videos because everyone has a Walmart in their area. Some of us don’t have Kroger and the other stores that you record from. I just checked “my items “ in my Walmart account and in the past year I have ordered 232 different items. Currently there are 83 of those items listed as out of stock. That’s just about a third!!! And of the remaining ones, most don’t ship anymore. Only available for pickup or delivery from store. I will be curious to see what your Walmart looks like in regard to inventory level. Love watching you and Jess.😊

  8. karen colby
    karen colby says:

    Hi, cooking and freezing your turkey early would dry it out! Maybe using turkey breast instead of whole turkey, would work better for you?! You could never buy and keep turkey in refrigerator until thanksgiving! Have a good evening! God-Bless!

  9. Truth Telling Tay
    Truth Telling Tay says:

    Hey! We have Fresh Thyme here in Cleveland. They’re really expensive but I can count on them to carry a lot of the non dairy products I need and decent looking produce. They also have their supplements on sale frequently.


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