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44 replies
  1. Jay Steiner
    Jay Steiner says:

    Ok wow first off if you want the chicken to be crispy you would have to Pat it dry with a paper towel first once you marinate it it should have been marinated by the way overnight you've had it dry and then you cook it on each side you then cannot reuse that marinade unless you enjoy salmonella poisoning that's your call not mine you should have remade the sauce that would have been put in there it's really not that hard you added the garlic way too early which probably burnt it with the onions good job garlic needs about oh 40 seconds.. at least this time you actually cook the chicken it looked like it was cooked all the way through good job pal

  2. AR Palico
    AR Palico says:

    I’m a Filipino, the ingredients and the method that he used is spot on. I’d say he did a really good job 👍👍👍 this made me happy and hungry 🤤 😊.

  3. alejsil1
    alejsil1 says:

    I make Filipino adobo really easy… vinegar. Soy sauce, sliced onions, whole garlic, bay leaf and coarse black pepper… throw in a pot and that's it.

  4. CookingFanMan123
    CookingFanMan123 says:

    Great vid Sir! Called my local hardware store, said I wanted to order BBQ sauce, they asked what brand, I replied "it's The Best Barbecue Sauce You'll Ever Taste", they said "Er, ok… but what's it called?". Think that employee belongs in the Boy's Club…

  5. Mary Flak
    Mary Flak says:

    Wowie zowie! Love that the comments are back on. And what a great video to start 'em up again! Looks delicious and authentic. When I get a little braver, I might try this out. Always looking for new chicken recipes. Doing good things, Jack! Sincerely, Mary.

  6. terry bull
    terry bull says:

    Jack we gotta get you back on track with the channel! it should be #1. People raved during the Lazy Man recipes era. But lazy isn't the right word. I say you restart that theme as 'Simple Jack's Basic Tastes' makes it sound easy to make, not lazy. You can have that title for free as payment for all the great vids you've made.

  7. Francois Tremblay
    Francois Tremblay says:

    I watched this video with my Filipino friend, and he said you did a good job, Jack. Well done.
    Can't wait for the next live stream! Any chance we can see the piggy again? He's my favourite member of the Scalfani family.

  8. inspectorh
    inspectorh says:

    Food, family, fun! Been missing your live streams. Adding Mexican adobo peppers to Filipino adobo chicken is like something straight out of Top Chef. Love the creativity!!

  9. Ray Cornball
    Ray Cornball says:

    Could you crowd the pan with chicken any more? I couldn't believe how many thighs you crammed in one pan! And how many folks are you "cooking" for? There's only two people in your household, is it all for you and Tammy? She's noticeably lost weight by the way. You… not so much.

  10. Damon Verial
    Damon Verial says:

    When you said, "It asks for…" to what recipe were you referring? I checked the description and couldn't find the link to the recipe you're following. Also the reason you didn't get a sear on the chicken was due to overcrowding and liquid in the pan. I understand you might be cooking for a large group in this video, but you should always try to keep the pan rather empty (maybe two or three pieces of meat) while searing – otherwise you're just steaming the meat.

    Anyway, please link me to that recipe. I'll be refreshing this video for your response. Thanks!

  11. Kenny Smith
    Kenny Smith says:

    glad you finally turned comments back on jack! engagement with your audience is very important and for many of us without social media, this is the only way we can reach you now since you quit doing live streams

  12. J D
    J D says:

    Do you remove the kidney from your thighs before cooking Jack? Not a fan of that flavor personally but everyone has different tastes.


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