Add garlic to boiling oil! You will not regret the result!

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INGREDIENTS: • 1 cup of garlic • 50 ml of olive oil • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce • 2 tablespoons of margarine • Mozzarella …

44 replies
  1. Patricia Martin
    Patricia Martin says:

    I have a recipe too. Take two T-bone steaks.Spread with garlic comfit and grill to taste Remove steaks to a plate and set aside. Now Ina large pot, melt a cup of lard over medium. heat When melted add 5 pounds of Nestles chocolate chunk chips and melt over low heat. In yet another pan, prepare taco meat.with sauce. Now place steak on a cast iron dish. Cover the steak with a cup of chocolate sauce, Velveeta cheese, taco meat. Repeat layering until all ingredients are gone. This recipe will feed 14 midgets or one very fat, 500 pound person. Since this recipe is likely to give you a heart attack,please have your last will.and testament on file with your attorney

  2. Joseph H
    Joseph H says:

    To everyone who doesn’t know this is for comical reasons only. If you eat any of the recipes on this channel you will most likely end up in a hospital and notice the Ridiculous amount of ingredients and when she says use a tablespoon of this and she pours into cups worth you can tell that she’s being comical don’t ever eat a recipe from here please

  3. Roșu Dennis
    Roșu Dennis says:

    Not enough cheese for my taste, everything else doesn't matter for me, YOU NEED AT LEAST 5 TIMES THAT AMOUNT, you know you put enough cheese when your heart stops after one bite, then it is enough to pleasure me, life is a price too low for cheese


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