A Week in my Frugal Life/ Frugal Living (UK) / Grocery Haul, Roughtor trip and garden update /VLOG

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Welcome to A Week in my Frugal Life! As part of my Frugal Living UK series, watch what I get up to during a typical week in this vlog. I love frugal living videos …

16 replies
  1. Lynn Law
    Lynn Law says:

    That looked like a beautiful walk. I'm in Scotland and I've just this week picked my first ripe cherry tomato off the vine. First time I've every grown tomatoes. Got cheap seeds in B&M with no expectations of any results but tomatoes are full of ripening fruits, carrots are doing great, spring onions are being used in all my salads. I can't keep up with the lettuce no matter how much I use and my cheap seed potatoes have produced an amazing amount of produce. Cucumber and courgette plants also doing really well even though I keep forgetting to water them. Had so much stuff that the neighbours and I are trading veg over the back fence. It's absolutely fab. We also both bake so share things back and forth. Definitely better than spending money in the shops x

  2. Lee Golder
    Lee Golder says:

    We never meal plan but I always manage to keep my grocery budget between AUD$80-100 for 4 adults. We do have peanut, dairy and gluten allergy in the house. What I do is keep staples in the fridge, freezer and pantry and if anything is half-price or less, then I stock up. And, leftovers are a much sought after meal.

  3. Carolyn Ekins
    Carolyn Ekins says:

    Some lovely veggies coming through in your garden Claire! Very envious about Rough Tor…..my place to go when I lived up North was the peak district, I miss it so much (your walk reminded me a bit of it).. starting at Peveril Castle, walking through Winnats Pass, up Mam Tor, along the great ridge to Back Tor, Hollins Cross then Losehill and back down to the village of Hope or alternatively Hope Village then climb up Win Hill then off our on the Yorkshire Moors. Loved listening to the wind on your walk, reminded me of what I am missing! xxx

  4. Nesa Dcruz
    Nesa Dcruz says:

    We like clams and mussels so pasta that is olive oil based ( Aglio olio) with either of those is something we have when we want something light. I add cherry tomatoes, garlic and sliced mushrooms too. Goes well with a side salad. Loved seeing your garden.

  5. lornajean robinson
    lornajean robinson says:

    Do be careful with planting mint in your garden, put it into a bucket standing on bricks so it's off the ground – the roots will run underground and take over the WHOLE of your plot! (just remember to water it occasionally in the summer, otherwise it'll be ok.)


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