a RARE PASTA SAUCE I ate weekly when I lived in ITALY

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This spicy, creamy, red bell pepper pasta sauce is a rare pasta sauce that I’ve only found in a jar in a supermarket in Italy, today I set out to recreate this nostalgic …

37 replies
  1. Houra
    Houra says:

    looks like mac and cheese and even better like i don't like mac and cheese and this looks like something i would likes plus it's spicy which i enjoy in my mums pasta

  2. Deb T
    Deb T says:

    It was good, but needed ,a little more flavor. Too much cream.. how about anchovies? To use frequently in Italy for seasoning and to give the recipe a little umami it would help

  3. Collin Douglas
    Collin Douglas says:

    I've made something very similar. Occasionally a local grocery store has a sale on bell peppers and I will buy like 20 of them and make a red pepper cream soup (which I've also used as a pasta sauce).
    I haven't added the chilies or tomato paste before. I think I will do that next time though as it's a great idea.
    Thanks for the video!

  4. J. M.
    J. M. says:

    With your food tour, it's interesting that you're going to Tuscany, where few Italian-Americans are from, and completely avoiding the south, including Sicily. With much of the fixation on Tuscany in the foodie world, it's almost like it's marketed to non-Italians as being populated by people who aren't like those Italians, i.e. Sicilians, Calabrians, even Napolese.


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