A Malaysian Feast | with special guest chef

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full written recipes – https://www.avantgardevegan.com/recipes/ NEW PLANTS ONLY KITCHEN MERCH ⚡️ https://www.avantgardevegan.com/store SIGNED …

49 replies
  1. Alexej Svirid
    Alexej Svirid says:

    There is a data in the Biblical history that the climate was different before the Flood. Therefore, people were given vegetation for food. The Flood was made by an unprecedented natural phenomenon – Rain. Before that there had been no rain, but steam rose from the ground and irrigated the ground.
    After the end of the Flood, an Agreement was made that a flood would never again destroy all life on Earth. The sign of this agreement was a new natural phenomenon called the Rainbow.
    At the same time, it was said that now people are given living beings for food. They can be eaten after pouring their blood on the ground, but blood cannot be eaten, because the soul is in the blood (the book of Genesis, chapters 1, 2 and 9).
    It is likely that climate change has made plant foods insufficiently nutritious and/or not readily available – in winter, for example. This is most likely why the True God, Jehovah, took care of strengthening the diet of people.
    True Christians have no questions about whether to eat meat. Their God, Jehovah, through their appointed king, Jesus Christ, gives them answers to a variety of questions, including this one. 🙂
    Unfortunately, this world is ruled by Devil, a liar and a murderer. This is the reason why we've got the Gospel about God's kingdom. Now such a prophecy, recorded by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 4: 1-5, is being fulfilled: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."
    Jehovah's Witnesses – Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, http://www.jw.org.
    Recently, their "counterparts" such as the Theocratic organization Jehovah's Witnesses have appeared, and they themselves also have many traitors. Be careful plz.

  2. naza neby
    naza neby says:

    Oh wow, Gaz & the team are playing some Eritrean/Ethiopian music in the background. Big things. So honored to hear our cultural music shared with others. With gratitude!

  3. Rebecca Alessia
    Rebecca Alessia says:

    I wanna cuddle her so bad😭 WHAT A SWEET AND PURE SOUL! Loved learning about her childhood and culture!!!!! I CRY THOUGH CAUSE AM HELLA ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕

  4. Healthy Asian Cuisine
    Healthy Asian Cuisine says:

    Wow! I am so happy to see Tom's mum making the rojak there. I love rojak, I used to make rojak but not eating with the satay peanuts sauce. I make a sauce with sambal oelek, lime juice, tamarind paste, coconut sugar etc. I love mine with jicama, bean sprouts, tofu, pineapple, mango and other fruits or greens. Tom's mum rojak can be a vegan main meal for me as it fills with carbohydrate and protein-thumb up!!

  5. Derek N
    Derek N says:

    Thanks Lee and Gaz! That looks deliciously fantastic! I must make this! Please have Lee on again, Gaz. I would love to see what other vegan malaysian recipes you two can make.

  6. M Ramirez
    M Ramirez says:

    Lee!! What a pleasure to "meet Tom's mom" via your deliiicous-looking cooking! I can hardly wait to try it for my family-coming this week at ours, hopefully! Thank you, Lovely! 🌻
    Gaz/crew, give your guests a mic, too, please!


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