A large tesco food haul. everyone put things in the trolly. prices included #tescofoodhaul

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11 replies
  1. K Ste
    K Ste says:

    My daughter is also autistic and brushing her teeth was a battle every time until we switched to an electric one! Still have the odd battle but not half as bad as it used to be! Maybe worth a try with Nathan ☺️

  2. Candie Tate
    Candie Tate says:

    I'm so glad to hear you're feeling more comfortable talking with us. We will be praying for a speedy recovery for Shadow. Lord willing when her ears are healed she will be able to hear again. Also I just had to giggle 🤭 when you said you bought socks in the kiddy's size. Because I have tiny feet also and do the same thing. Great video thanks for sharing with us until next time. God bless and can't wait to see all your lovely sweet treats you're planning on making.

  3. Tammy DD
    Tammy DD says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your little Shadow. That's just horrible. Poor baby. I hope they don't get away with that. Hopefully the pate works and you're able to get her medicine in her. Healing prayers 🙏🙏

  4. Carol King
    Carol King says:

    Oh no, poor Shadow, that sounds so painful, glad yous got track of what it was and she is healing. thanks for the update, and I would blame you for investigating further, she has had a lot of pain that should not have been missed the cause of it. otherwise, dont worry too much about the random shop, you probably brought a good few hours of great company for a friend, and you bought trifle winwin!!

  5. Jane Klebba
    Jane Klebba says:

    Love your channel and family. Am new sub, my heart broke hearing bout one of your cats, vets should of picked it up sooner rather later…. I have a one yr old cat, it'd break me if he went through that ..sending hugs to all


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