A Hippie Paradise That Ended In A Series Of Tragedies (Counterculture Documentary) | Real Stories

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Swept up in the counterculture revolution of the late-1960s, a wealthy businessman starts a commune in pursuit of a utopian …

31 replies
  1. lhasaroadrat
    lhasaroadrat says:

    I could listen to Peter Coyote read the phone book. Best narrator since Charlton Heston. I once made a poster for The Diggers Job Co-Op and got to share a joint with him on Haight Street in '67. Lotta memories activated watching this nearly Akashic Record.of that remarkable era.

  2. Rebecca Malone
    Rebecca Malone says:

    This documentary was so well done. I am truly impressed. I live in the town just North of Olompali, so I knew the history as far as the Miwok's and The Greatful Dead, but I did not know about Don McCoy. It was really fascinating.
    Olompali truly is a magical place, you can feel it. Now that I know so much more about the history, it will be even more magical. Next time I am there, I will say a prayer for those 2 sweet girls & Don McCoy.

  3. Max doubled
    Max doubled says:

    Jesus ya you should 100% keep kids away from drugs or marijuana. They'll be 18 one day and they'll even probably find it before then but you can't give it to them… that really is child abuse…

  4. Keetah Brough
    Keetah Brough says:

    What an amazing story! I love the 60's.. and what they thought they were doing… the hippies. The only thing they did wrong, was get old. xo And, nobody taking responsibility for themselves. I like what the one hippie woman said,. about when she was raped by the HA. That she sensed if she resisted at all.. violence would follow. So she had to go with it. Now that's survival instinct.. something that many people somehow just don't have.. something that this society doesn't produce.

  5. Tammy KELSEY
    Tammy KELSEY says:

    I really enjoyed watching this! What a beautiful way to live! Most people will never be able to live that lifestyle ever again! Wish I could have been there! I was raised near a property that was built and used in a similar way in the mountains of New Hampshire!❤️🙏✌🏻


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