A Day On The Homestead | We Ordered Our Beef Cuts! 🥩

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We finally ordered our meat cuts! In about a week our freezer will be full. Hang out with me as I clean out my freezer and bake …

34 replies
  1. Grandpas Urban Homestead
    Grandpas Urban Homestead says:

    I don't know what happened. Somewhere down the line I just can't have days like this. Maybe I need to increase my thyroid medication because 8 hours at work is wearing my out and I can't find the energy I seemed to have before.

  2. Trella Scates
    Trella Scates says:

    Being this is your first beef, you might want to take a tip from an old lady who has done this all her life.
    Always tell the butcher you want your beef humg for 3 weeks to a month. before it gets cut. This allows your beef to be more tender and have a better flavor. Try it out next time.

  3. Susie Salazar
    Susie Salazar says:

    Enjoyed your video! I am a new subscriber. I also have always stored my coffee in the freezer. That’s how my momma did it so I do it too. That sandwich bread 🍞 looked beautiful. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I myself prefer to make my own homemade tortillas. If possible, I love to make things from scratch too. I make more of the corn tortillas but make flour tortillas once in a while. If you make corn tortillas and if you can find it in your area, I recommend Maseca Nixtamasa. Tastes better and EVERY time I make them, I get flashbacks when I would visit my grandmother in Mexico in the summer and she would send me to the tortilleria (tortilla shop) to buy fresh tortillas. The most AMAZING smell. ♥️❤️

  4. vmorganbogart
    vmorganbogart says:

    Looks like you had a productive day! I’m bedridden right now, so it made me tired, just watching you. 😂 Stay safe, healthy & warm.
    Blessings, Love & Hugs from Vicki in Ft. Worth, Texas 🇺🇸👍❤️🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. QueenofCreepsville
    QueenofCreepsville says:

    Construction is THE WORST imo. We were affected by the December Tornado- our roof was damaged, and we are STILL fighting with roofers for an estimate (not even the actual work) to get our roof fixed. I am glad you have a reliable work force on your house.

  6. Deona Harvell
    Deona Harvell says:

    Thank you Tangi! You and I think a lot alike…. I keep my flour snd and coffee in one of my deep freezers. I have canned a lot of canned beef as well and breakfast sausage…. It is so much better when you have done it yourself

  7. Glory Grace Farm
    Glory Grace Farm says:

    Chickens and waiting on eggs, I know the feeling. I had been waiting for my new girls to start laying and nothing was happening. Then one day Patara from Appalachia's Homestead said she feeds 30% protein feed to her flock and has been getting great eggs. So I went and bought 30% for my girls!! Just after a few days eggs began to appear!!! I am now only waiting on 2 girls to start. So give it a try, I hope it helps. The house is looking beautiful!!! God bless and have a great day!!!

  8. Cat Lover: A frugal wife who loves to cook
    Cat Lover: A frugal wife who loves to cook says:

    We bought a quarter beef for the first time this week. I had to clean out the deep freeze because I didn't realize it would be ready this week. I rendered the tallow yesterday with the snow flying outside. I may can up some of the ground beef. I am still learning about canning so meat is still a little scary. I did can chicken soup from a farm fresh chicken and the broth from it was canned earlier in the week. Thank you so much fro all the videos and encouragement!


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