A baker’s timeline for sourdough bread #shorts

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A baker’s timeline… this is for my Easy Artisan Sourdough Bread. Find the recipe here: …

5 replies
  1. Kelley Leblanc
    Kelley Leblanc says:

    At first I found this very difficult to time, however with some practice I now find making anything sourdough way easier to make then anything with yeast. There’s quite a bit more flexibility with timing and having a disability I found it easier to break up the different steps with sufficient rest in between. Thank you Lisa for all your wonderful ideas and recipes 🙂

  2. Siany
    Siany says:

    Just what I needed! Thanks. I've had my starter for 3 weeks but I'm yet to get my head around using it for bread, as the process seems intimidating. I feel like I need 2 child/work free consecutive days to concentrate on it 😂 that's not going to happen!!


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