Mega Cooking Huge Homemade Meals for My Family of 11

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Yay, good friends, it’s time for Mega Cooking Huge Homemade Meals for My Family of 11!! *SIGN UP HERE for the special …

29 replies
  1. karen selogic
    karen selogic says:

    You should add different spices to your sour dough bread . Like turn some into garlic bread. Take and make a rosemary one. Even maybe a cinnamon and raise one or one with apple pieces in it. They sound so yummy.

  2. Barbara Labine
    Barbara Labine says:

    These fires in Canada are hurting people, here in Minnesota it is terrible! Went to Ladysmith in Wisconsin, no haze, and we came back to Minnesota and it was hazy again, this haze has been here for at least a month! It makes you feel sick, and I feel that this is being done on purpose. The haze has to be carrying more than just smoke ! I try to go into the garden early morning, and not being out in it for more than a couple of hours! Each morning, it looks like it is going to rain, gray and not your normal summer clarity. I wonder how many have noticed this?

  3. Donna Rodriguez
    Donna Rodriguez says:

    You can definitely make flour tortillas in a tortilla press. I have a large tortilla press and a set of gallon ziplock bags slit on the sides that i use specifically for making fresh flour tortillas. The trick is to male sure ypu let your dough rest for at least 30 minutes before you press. I press and stack all of them before I cook them. Delicious. Sadly, I never have any left over. I reuse the bags. Note: I have had to press multiple dozen tortillas and I just remove and lay one between the bags or use parchment paper to keep them from sticking togetjer.

  4. Greenrock Garden
    Greenrock Garden says:

    Ugh! I feel ya on rolling the tortillas!
    Yesterday, it felt like I spent the whole day rolling out pita bread. By the time I got done making the sauce, slicing veggies and cooking the marinated meat for gyros, I didn’t feel like eating. 😅
    I just wanted to put my feet up and have coffee.

  5. Pax et Bonum
    Pax et Bonum says:

    I do Lisa’s no knead artisan bread and one time the recipe does two loaves, but I make one big loaf and bake the same. Turns out perfect. Oh and I never worry about preheating for a full hour…works great.

    It is a confusing thing at first that timing and all the steps; but eventually, with practice we get the hang of it! 🙂

  6. Aganetha Klassen
    Aganetha Klassen says:

    Hello Jamerrill you are wondering if there’s another way on how to make tortillas without rolling them out with a rolling pin Amazon sells electric tortilla press those are for flour tortillas they also bake them as well I believe, so maybe that’s something you would want to try I’m just saying, that would maybe work for your sourdough tortillas as well. 😊

  7. Mary Lou Holderly
    Mary Lou Holderly says:

    Maybe this has been suggested, but I haven't had time to read the comments. Can you use the roller part of a pasta machine to roll out the tortillas? I guess they'd be longer and narrower than "real" tortillas, but maybe they'd work out okay, anyway.

  8. Melissa W.
    Melissa W. says:

    I've been growing as much as I can, however everything is taking so long to grow this year. Canning, freezing, dehydrating everything i can! This whole summer the sky has been strange, guess it's those wildfires. We have to do as much as we can to be self sustaining. Love your channel ❤


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