Whole 30 Keto Challenge | What We Eat in a Day…

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25 replies
  1. Chris Dickson
    Chris Dickson says:

    You guys are great parents. The love you have for your kids shows in your patience and relationship with them and each other. My kiddos are 21 and 23 now. We had a balance of timeouts and spanking. Spanking was usually reserved for behaviors that were dangerous like unning into the street. Theo is a great little boy – lots of energy. Get some containers with good lids and fill them with rice or sand – making them a bit heavy for him – have him build a wall or tape out different shapes for him to build. It will help him burn some energy. My son was adhd so I am familiar with energetic boys. Rather than a timeout – try having him do jumping Jack's and if coordinated enough – burpees. Just don't make them a punishment

  2. A Quiet and Orderly Life
    A Quiet and Orderly Life says:

    Whatever discipline methods(s) you choose, just remember to be consistent. Also – there's a difference between TRAINING and DISCIPLINE. It's not right to discipline a child for something you've never taught them. Teach / train them what is right, and then discipline them once you know they know what's right but choose to do wrong.
    I pray that made sense!
    I have 3 adult children and grandchildren. I can honestly say: my method worked wonderfully. I used a variety of discipline tools, including spanking, time outs, and removing privileges. It just depends on the child and the "crime".

  3. Sandi Elefant
    Sandi Elefant says:

    You both look amazing for having 2 small humans to care for! Time out's are the way to go. I would power watch Super Nanny whenever I was in doubt! She is motivational. That time out stage comes back when they're teenagers (mine are 15 & 17 now!!). Keep them close, love them lots and all will be well in the end. You seem like you already do that :). Theo is such a cutie bug!

  4. Grandma Lin
    Grandma Lin says:

    At Theos age I use to put my Granddaughter in timeout when needed, now that she's 4 she puts herself in timeout after doing something " naughty " even if I didn't know she did it. 😃.

  5. Beatriz Ceniceros
    Beatriz Ceniceros says:

    We never spanked our kids, they just heard their Dads loud voice and that was it. I never spanked or had to do time out our kids were so good, I’m so glad. They are great adults my son is a High school teacher and my daughter is a good Mom. They were born in the 70’s. You guys are doing good as parents we live and learn.

  6. Michelle Baker
    Michelle Baker says:

    I am all for the lowest level of “punishment” to bring about the desired behavior. 1) Verbal correction with a warning, 2) a flick of my finger onto the back of the hand or leg, 3) timeout, 4) spanking without pain inflicted-basically a bit more force than a finger flick. Rarely did we have to go to #4. When older#3 became timed isolation or restriction.
    As a young man in the Army, my son used a call home during basic training to say thank you for our discipline methods. There were many recruits older than him age wise but way way way younger maturity wise. Seriously melted my heart, especially when he was recognized for his maturity and platoon leadership at basic graduation ❣️

  7. Ms K
    Ms K says:

    Have you tried Ratio keto yogurt? It is so so good my favorite is the coconut flavor. Hard to find at Walmart as it sells out so quickly but I have found it at Safeway.

  8. Lucas Tigy
    Lucas Tigy says:

    oh yeah, and don't hit your kids unless you want them to resent you until you die.
    violence is a terrible way of communicating because it tells them that they are bad without explaining why what they did was bad.

  9. Eddie Hansen
    Eddie Hansen says:

    Time outs are great. Before releasing your child from the time out have a conversation. Why there was a time out. What misbehavior caused the time out. Ask your child how they can behave better in the future, what they can do better, what they think, to make them actually think about the situation and not just tune you out. Tuning you out increases as children get older. If you ask your child to do something and you have to do it more than once or twice, you have been tuned out. I have found out that a single swat on the bottom is an attention getter. It is not done in anger at all. It is done in cold calculation. not all that hard, just enough to cause notice and indignation. My experience is that your child will then focus on what you are saying (after complaining about the corporal "punishment" to which you reply "I asked you to do the thing 3 TIMES and you ignored me. You are training me to hit you"). Less is more. Swats work best when they are infrequent and seemingly random. That way you child is not physically abused on a regular basis, but know that if they push you too far it is not out of the realm of possibilities.

  10. Lucas Tigy
    Lucas Tigy says:

    how are kombucha, nut butters, coconut butter, and all of those other processed foods "whole30" but not dairy?
    dairy is practically the only thing in this world that is created specifically to feed things. it's sole purpose is to be "food".

  11. Meira V
    Meira V says:

    First off, I did time-outs for the most part. My kids are now 23, 16, & 16. Secondly, I have to admit you parent Theo in a way that is COMPLETELY FOREIGN to me . . . like I was not 'safety' oriented compared to my MIL, but my kids didn't get a butter knife until they were like 8 . . . anyway, your parenting blows my mind routinely, but I really like it and I feel like it's working for you. Mostly I have PTSD over parenting, but watching you guys is like the only time when I think a do-over might not be horrible. You're doing good, mama!!

  12. Tracy
    Tracy says:

    Hitting/spanking sends a mixed message to the kid. I can't hit but Mom can? WTF? There is always the risk of hitting too hard and hurting the kiddoo. Time-out or loss of privilege appeals to me more. And Theo got yelled at bec he hit Felix–

  13. Patricia Mosley
    Patricia Mosley says:

    As far as discipline, I believe there are times when time out works best, taking items away from them, and times when spanking works best. I especially like time out to get your child to calm down and listen. Sometimes a good old spanking is what will work for much harsher disciplinary actions like running across the street without permission or disappearing when not playing hide and seek. Take things away also when needed. Many more examples.

    Question on keto bars and the drinks…how dark is the chocolate? Been wanting to try these, but after four years of keto I still don’t like dark chocolate.

  14. Brittany Romanov
    Brittany Romanov says:

    As a child I only needed to get spanked once and I learned my lesson. I was never put into time-out, but I actually put myself into time out if I knew I did somthing wrong. Ie, I broke my moms nail file and put myself in time out. I didnt need to be told.

  15. Lannah Paredes
    Lannah Paredes says:

    Regarding disciplining:

    We have an almost 4 yo and a 1.5 yo and we do positive discipline. So no spanking or time out, but accepting and allowing all feelings.

    All feelings are accepted but not all actions are OK.

    @biglittlefeelings does such a great job giving ideas and practicing props for all scenarios.

    I've noticed such a difference with both my kids, (: maybe look into them ^^

  16. Robin Redondo
    Robin Redondo says:

    If you hit Theo, you will mess him up. He will hit others, his brother, the dog, other children. He will not understand why you are hitting him. When you try to punish him for hitting others, you will create a horrible problem in his mind…a confusion that will cause him to hit in secret and lie about it. I don’t recommend it.

  17. Chelynn Godfrey
    Chelynn Godfrey says:

    90% of parenting is a complete crap shoot! I've had 10 kids (6 bios) some responded great to timeouts or just positive reinforcement…. others needed an anger-free spank on the butt to get the point across. But what the hell do I know! A have a few very poorly behaved teens/ tweens at the moment😩


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