90 Second Microwavable Low Carb Keto Bread | Best Keto Bread

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The best soft and fluffy low-carb Keto bread made with almond flour in the microwave in just 90 seconds! BECOME A TASTEBUD!

27 replies
  1. A A R I K C
    A A R I K C says:

    People always talk about getting a six pack, I just wanted a flat stomach. But the keto diet was unbearable for me. I tried the Agoge diet and so far have amazing results. Highly recommended!

  2. Ben
    Ben says:

    Is YouTube not letting anyone put their ingredients below anymore? And wow, now i can male a lot of these… one at a time! If i get a dish like that.

  3. Steve Madak
    Steve Madak says:

    Ive made this a couple times now. Ive taken and sliced it into 2 pieces of bread. I then toast them in the toaster oven on 300 until they are brown. Makes a great hamburger bun. It works perfect! It's a real hamburger! TYVM for this recipe.

  4. Micky 2112
    Micky 2112 says:

    This is a great recipe. At last I can make something keto that functions like bread without tasting too bitter or eggy. I make it in a square dish so it makes a slice of bread at a time or a round dish to make a burger bun. Thanks


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