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Hey everyone! In today’s video I will be talking about The 9 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut. These signs are super common in our …

19 replies
  1. Gigi C
    Gigi C says:

    Curious about the stool issue. I'm almost 8 weeks in to this lifestyle change. I started keto, then ketovore, and now completely carnivore. At first I had diarrhea on carnivore. Then it went away for at least 2 weeks so I thought I was fat adapted. Now it is back. Anyone else still suffering with diarrhea after many weeks on a meat based diet??

  2. Deylandra Learn French Street Videos
    Deylandra Learn French Street Videos says:

    What do you think about Dr. Chaffee saying you shouldn't cheat at all and 95% of the benefits come in the last 5%? Cause I've been doing like 85% carnivore with like 15% other stuff and I don't know if it's worth the effort to get rid of the last 15%. I'm like too scared to go 100% meat lol.

  3. Ajax 1983
    Ajax 1983 says:


    1. Weakened Immune System – sick often, allergies flaring up
    2. Constant Fatigue – lots of cortisol, maybe SIBO
    3. Mental Health Imbalances
    4. Skin Issues – Acne, psoriasis etc.
    5. Issues with Sleep
    6. Physical Pain after Eating
    7. Food Sensitivity – Histamine etc
    8. Bloating after Every Meal
    9. Inconsistent Stools and Frequent Gas – Basically, you have a smelly ass.

  4. Allen Bennett
    Allen Bennett says:

    Petra–one way to get great gut health is to have three plus meals a day (one or two bites past when you don't hink you can eat any more). I learned this from Raymond Nazon, a health coach on Bella (Steak and Butter Gal)'s monthly challanges) carnivore foods for two weeks or so–he calls it priming.

  5. Alex Paul
    Alex Paul says:

    Thanks for sharing i should be ticking of some of my unhealthy gut….. one on Carnivore following strict carnivore past one week…. energy level great… only problem is uric acid and gout still some signs on my little toe a small bruise due to gout

  6. Bev Beans
    Bev Beans says:

    I scored 8/9 :(. How long was it until you first began to notice improvement after adopting your new lifestyle? Apart from the occasional bloating from fruit, is everything else healed now?


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