9 Months Carnivore, When This Happened…

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After just 9 months of carnivore this happened to Rupert. In today’s interview Rupert talks about his experience being on the …

21 replies
  1. Jann Little
    Jann Little says:

    It’s all the same people feeding us and medicating everyone.,They’re also the same people that know the psychological ways to make people feel guilty on real food.. Plant based diets are still processed food.. They’re making the fake meats.. It’s all controlled and manipulated..

  2. Graeme Mudie
    Graeme Mudie says:

    The calmness is definitely due to the meat diet. I’m the same. It’s cause by an under active thyroid. The meat diet cures it. That’s why vegans are so angry and irrationally emotional. A vegan is only my enemy when he tries to stop me eating what I want to eat.

  3. Wood Nugget
    Wood Nugget says:

    Cracking interview this one. I’ve been doing carnivore for just over a month and I cannot believe how much better I’m feeling overall now. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👍

  4. cb A bc
    cb A bc says:

    But, but, but if you politely and respectfully ask a vegan "why do you feel that way?"… you can say goodbye to the remainder of your day and may wish for a quick death 😂

  5. Kirsti Cheetah
    Kirsti Cheetah says:

    The animal crualty is mostly in the way they are raised. Pigs in cages, cutting their tales and testicals, chickens in cages, cutting their beaks, cows in feedlots, in their feaces, long transports, in the slaughterhouses they get beaten, tossed around, hanged upside down, there is no time to kill them with care. All because people want cheep meat 😪

  6. Kirsti Cheetah
    Kirsti Cheetah says:

    Inspiring!!! Just meat and eggs would be boring to me personally. I eat lots of goat and sheep cheese besides my meat. It has healthy fats like omega 3 and MK7, protective healthy saturated fats and probiotics. Raw is best, but pasturized is good too. Dr Robert Lustig explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRohMEQm9ng I also eat some fermented black olives, peeled deseeded cucumber, macadamia nuts. I love the taste and I want to keep my fiber digesting microbiome.


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