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Some of our most-asked-for videos… How we met – Our favorite bread recipe …

25 replies
  1. Linda Maddy
    Linda Maddy says:

    I am enjoying reading all the comments from people who remember their mother's cooking.
    What I remember was my mother never cooked. My mother went to the grocery store either.
    My Dad cooked a little. So who cooked? I learned at a very young age to cook. I always was jealous of kids who their mom would cook the same thing on a given day of the week. My mother just didn't enjoy cooking. So she didn't.

  2. sarahkat82b
    sarahkat82b says:

    great content!

    i love cooking but my season of life has meal times needing to be short cooking times. For a decade I have been doing once a month planning/shopping but this month I broke down and bought the lovely Jamerill Stewart's crockpotpack because my brain was burnt out and dinner time is witching hour so the combo of premade plan & grocery list PLUS not having to wrestle twin one yr olds at 430pm to cook it is lifesaving in this season!

    I definitely normally do repeat themed days and Thursday is always blueplate special (clean out the fridge/leftovers)

  3. GeeWCee
    GeeWCee says:

    That was encouraging and helpful. I do not like to be in the kitchen but I have to be because I have a 2 year old and 4 year old. If I implement a few of your tips I'm sure it will help me. Thank you 😊

  4. Libby Reed
    Libby Reed says:

    I do a deconstructed meal plan. I have an idea of what I’ll be eating because of the ingredients I always purchase. I never sit down and write out exactly what meals will be eaten each day. I make a list and shop once a week. I often have multiple options with what I have on hand. I always have starches like winter squash, potatoes, grains, legumes as well as veggies and fruit. Batch prepping and cooking are life savers in my world. Often I will pre shred heads of cabbage and carrots for stir fry and adding to salads. I will batch cook soups and chili’s. I will eat the soups and chili’s for two days max and freeze the rest. I will also batch cook potatoes for the week. I like to steam the Yukons and bake the sweet potatoes. Sometimes I sauté or roast enough veggies for two days. That is all I can manage in this season of life. Edited to add: I like doing the laundry and cooking is fine with me. I keep the cooking simple and I the Instant Pot really helps.

  5. The Real McNeals Vlog
    The Real McNeals Vlog says:

    Meal planning saves me so much brain power. Every once in a while we get to the end of the list and I don't get to shopping and it feels like a panic coming up with supper. It also saves us so much money. I don't mind making it if it's already planned out. Great vlog! Thanks for great info!

  6. The Reynolds
    The Reynolds says:

    My struggle is my family is going in so many directions with no littles around anymore just teens and adults I’m struggling with how much food to prepare?? Any helpful tips or advise?

  7. Its Jbunny
    Its Jbunny says:

    I made homemade banana bread last night for the first time because of you saying “we had bananas getting too ripe so we made banana bread!” … I took it on and turned out amazing. And now I have breakfast and snack ready for the whole week 🙂 made a big tray! Also I feel encouraged to make other homemade breads now 🙂 yay

  8. Sarah EES
    Sarah EES says:

    Definitely laundry over cooking for me..I tolerate cooking because people have to eat! Meal planning helps a lot so I don't waste energy casting about for ideas every night. I get in from work and whatever it says on the plan, I start making, I don't think about whether we feel like it etc, I just get it done. I buy pre-cut onions/veggies to speed the process up as hungry teens will fill up on other stuff while waiting for dinner otherwise.

  9. SaviaJane
    SaviaJane says:

    I was watching this while frying up chapatis for lunch and my husband overheard a fair bit and said, we're doing exactly what she's saying. That's great. Hahahaha. We still don't know how much we are saving but I'm happy with small steps.

  10. Amy Marie
    Amy Marie says:

    We have 8 kids still at home and I try to meal plan for at least 2 weeks. I keep it flexible though in case something comes up and we can’t make the exact recipe I had planned

  11. Ashley Wildflower
    Ashley Wildflower says:

    I feel like I found this video at exactly the right time. I’m pregnant with my first, and I swear I literally popped 3 days ago and I’m only 21 weeks 😭😭😭 I’m 5’3 120 pounds and I can’t imagine what I’m going to look like at 40 weeks. And I’m so tired I’ve been eating like crap. I need to start meal planning and eat healthy. I’m so scared 😱 I already feel like a small house hippo. And I’ve already gained 17 pounds.

  12. PammyT82
    PammyT82 says:

    Hubs/Kids are weekly fresh variety/seasonal eaters w/new recipes whereas I could cook one weekday and fill up my deep freezers with 6mo of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options. Literal random grab, heat, eat and move on with your day with no real thought. Of the meals they do repeat I have at least 3 big batches frozen in individual serve portions.

  13. Juanita Harris
    Juanita Harris says:

    Hello Sarah I will definitely be using some of your tips and try to meal prep and meal plan for the week or month 😀 this will definitely help me 🙏💖 and I love having tacos we enjoy them 😋 lol but this my first time trying this 😅 as well


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