70's Coconut Mound Cake, An Old Church Cookbook Classic

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This cake is totally from scratch and is the most moist and delicious cake you have ever eaten! You will go NUTS over this one. The cake layer is from my Volume …

49 replies
  1. jensue6595
    jensue6595 says:

    This cake looks so delicious, I was wandering what we could use in the place of the coffee cause I'm not fond of it in food…I like to drink it but not eat it weird I know. Glad your neck thing went good now you can go fishing. Thank for some information.

  2. Debbie altman
    Debbie altman says:

    Dieting does not mean you can’t have it. It means cut out a lot of ….
    If you want a sweet then eat less at dinner or cut out something next day. Just don’t eat dessert every day and don’t pile on the carbs.
    Watch the fat.
    Bruce lost a few by allowing sweets once or twice a week and eating a little less. Not many carbs and fat.
    More salads. But put the weight back on.
    Great video. TFS

    ❤️🤗 Again congratulations on loosing weight.

  3. Debadoo B
    Debadoo B says:

    Oh my goodness that looks absolutely amazing! Coffee always brings out the flavor of chocolate so I bet that cake is awesome. I really hope the RFA helped you. I've had 2 done, one in my neck and one in my back and neither one of them helped.

  4. Susan Moore
    Susan Moore says:

    Mrs. Tammy-I am going to make this recipe tomorrow on July 4th, 2021. I love your recipes!!!! I am diabetic, but plan to taste some. God bless you on your test! Hope you are doing well!!!

  5. Judy Colson
    Judy Colson says:

    😯 Yummo. How about chopped, toasted almonds in place of the pecans and make it an Almond Joy cake? Or even placing a few whole almonds on top of the topping? Delish! Thanks for sharing. Blessings and health!

  6. Lillie Barnes
    Lillie Barnes says:

    Too Cute Guys u Chris & Tammy that Sheet Cake look Sooo Good I would like Some V. Bean Ice Cream Wth that Cake Yummy Tammy u & Chris be safe on yr way out & God be Wth u Tammy on Yr Test being done 👋🏾🙏🏽👋🏾


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