7 Days Without Alcohol – What am I feeling? | Let’s talk about Food Addiction and Alcohol Addiction

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Hey guys. In this video I share with you guys how I felt going 7 Days without alcohol. Videos like this are never easy to post but if I …

27 replies
  1. Deborah Linker
    Deborah Linker says:

    So proud of your growth and strength to becoming an overcomer! You are so full of revelation. And will be such a help to the broken and hurting. Keep up the fight! Your best days are ahead.

  2. Sabrina Horde
    Sabrina Horde says:

    You said something huge when you realized you are supposed to allow yourself to feel all those emotions you are so used to suppressing. You are learning to process them and navigate them. Journaling helps with this as well. I’m very proud of you! So excited to see where your journey takes you… you are overcoming in Jesus name! Yes the demonic strongholds are detaching in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!

  3. J Jsinger
    J Jsinger says:

    You are strong! I come from an addictive family. My Mother was a closet alcoholic and watching this video has helped me understand so many things. I continue to work through my food addiction. I have lost over 100 lbs and really struggle to keep it off. Prayer, self talk and organized preparation have helped me. I am working on loving myself and expressing gratitude for the life I have. Thank you so much for this focus today!

  4. Muna Bundegji
    Muna Bundegji says:

    Iam soooooo proud of you, I think the first week is the hardest and it will get better, may be you Kan do something new at night, something that you are patient for something you wanted to do and didn't have the time for, I know that goed will be with you and help you and it will get better ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Amy Zumach
    Amy Zumach says:

    I’m not doing 75 hard but I’m on the same basic journey! Day 17 keto and no alcohol! Feeling fantastic! Your entire video was like listening to myself!! Including the Jesus part! I’ve also numbed myself my entire life. Alcohol only intensified my issues. Vicious cycle. Feel sad? Have a drink after everyone is in bed. Oh I might as well have a keto friendly snack. Or 10. 😐
    Go to bed. Wake up feeling like crap. Feeling guilty. Have a crappy day pretending to feel just fine. Oh look! It’s bedtime, now I can curl up in the couch and relax and have my “ me time” drink that causes me to have a keto snack. Or 10. Go to bed and repeat!! Such a ridiculous vicious repetition of absolute stupidity! I feel SO MUCH BETTER! But trust me. Days 3/4/5 I was a blubbering ball of irritated bawling mess, full of feelings I had no idea were even in there. So glad my determination was stronger than anything I was being forced to feel. God is good. For me I don’t feel like I was withdrawing from alcohol in the sense of actual addiction to alcohol. But I do feel that alcohol was ABSOLUTELY feeding my carb addiction so indirectly it was still a serious issue that had to be addressed. I’m so proud of you and I’m soooo glad I found your channel!!!

  6. Linda MacPhee
    Linda MacPhee says:

    I think you're amazing! To recognize that you have to feel not having your addiction, whatever it is. I've heard/read that we should find something to replace those addictions (and what will that be?).But you are so right in saying we have to face them and feel what we are experiencing to truly overcome. Thank you for voicing what I never realized. Work it out day by day and we'll all get better.

  7. Ron’s Keto Café
    Ron’s Keto Café says:

    I'm so proud of you for what your trying to do. I would say not to give up. I'm here anytime you need me call me or just talk to me I'm here for you Stephy. Your the best and amazing. I would try to get some professional help! I mean that in the nicest way my friend. Food and addictions become our best friend and at the same time our enemies! Trust me I know I been there! Love you girl stay strong!

  8. Tiffany Marie
    Tiffany Marie says:

    I am so proud of you! I quit alcohol in May and still going strong. It is a struggle, but you can do it! I drink sparking water at night as a treat and I now look forward to having it. Keep going, you got this!!!


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