7 Days on 4 Foods Challenge: Can I Pull it Off? #keto,#bbbe,#weightloss,

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1184 — 7 Days on 4 Foods Challenge: Can I Pull it Off? #keto,#bbbe,#weightloss, If you’re feeling up for it, let’s see if we can make …

33 replies
  1. Sheri Morgan
    Sheri Morgan says:

    Unpopular opinion here… isn’t this kind of the Carnivore version of the 600 calorie oatmeal diet? You have many people that believe everything you say and they will copy you without understanding how restrictive this is. Not trying to be rude I just don’t understand if it’s BBYE great but why restrict to OMAD as well? I only ask because when I tried two things at once I didn’t know what made or didn’t help me change. Thank you so much! ❤❤

  2. Lydia DeVaughn
    Lydia DeVaughn says:

    I love all the latest appliances and I ran out of room to store them in my kitchen, so we put cabinets in the garage and I store them there. Harry it’s time to clean out the garage 😂. Besides you can get another refrigerator in there too and that will give you lots of room for Costco runs.

  3. Kimberly Smith
    Kimberly Smith says:

    Every successful diet lifestyle has been successful because of one scientific principle that has stood the test of time….being in a calorie deficit. You can pile on all the butter and no carbs you want…you are still consuming calories. You will never reach your goals unless and until you pay attention to how many calories you are consuming.

  4. Rosemarie Janssen
    Rosemarie Janssen says:

    Wendy….you don’t weigh 199. I think you meant 189? You probably gained water weight from sodium in the ham. I had a cup of mashed potatoes and gravy, and some green bean casserole and one roll. And then of course I had ham and ours didn’t have sugar added. I did not eat pie. I actually lost 2 pounds! Go figure! I’m beginning to think that if I go too low and not eating enough I gain. But I can’t eat a whole bunch of food at once. I am I nibbler. My stomach just cannot hold a lot of food. (I never had a weight loss surgery) I have always been a nibbler even as a child. Everyone is different. I love the homemade probiotic yogurt. My first batch was beautiful. Then I had trouble with the next two batches, separating and being crappy, but I decided to go ahead and do a fourth batch. And it was perfect. And so delicious plain…nothing added. Good luck with your new challenge. 😻

  5. caninecoach2223
    caninecoach2223 says:

    Dr. Andrew Chaffee and dr. Ken Berry both say that it's the casomorphins in dairy products that causes you to feel the way you are describing, Wendy❤…… Highly addictive and mucus building

  6. Stacy S
    Stacy S says:

    Had to try a completely different plan. The reason, I do not ever go into Ketosis. The range, 0.1-0.3 on my Ketone meter. Yesterday, figured try a different plan called Slimming World, still have their books. Add in a sweet potato, add in a banana. Ended up with my blood sugar 10 points lower in the evening than usual which had been fine but this morning, down 2 lbs. I feel a little lighter. So I’m giving this diet a chance. Rooting you on. I’m tired of gaining and stalling on Keto. I’m going to see how I do with my blood sugar but right now, the scale needs to let go of this water weight because my weight just doesn’t like a Keto approach. I honestly think it’s the fat, the calories. Too rich. My lifestyle is 3 meals/day, not Omad or fasting. I did have yogurt for Breakfast but it was non-fat yogurt and it was nice with a banana. I also had 2 eggs soft cooked in the Airfryer. I think I figured this out.

  7. Hello Mr. Tito
    Hello Mr. Tito says:

    Oops, the calm you have has sweeteners (stevia) in it but you can get it unsweetened. The sweetened one doesn't taste like it a whole lot though. Good luck! I hope you get good results! 😊

  8. Elfena
    Elfena says:

    Wendy did you make a mistake on your weight? Last weigh in 5 days ago was 89. I don’t think you gained 10 lbs in 5 days. You’re always so strict on your way of eating.

  9. Karen Gillespie
    Karen Gillespie says:

    My husband saves EVERYTHING as well! Me I’m a minimalist because I have to do the moving of the boxes and crapola! I think if I saw your garage it would give me anxiety! I have two sheds in my backyard for all his stuff and our seasonal decorations! I’m 68 so eating ketovore for over 17 years gives me the energy and health to keep moving his stuff ALL THE TIME! And he still is buying more stuff that I need to find space for🤐

  10. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I got a great price on pasture raised eggs yesterday – at ShopRite their brand Bowl & Basket are 4.99 for a dozen when the Eggland are 6.19 and Vital Farms are close to $8! I bought 2 dozen. Since I am the only one eating low carb most of the eggs are for me. My son doesn’t like eggs. Hubby only wants them once a week so most of the eggs are mine!!
    Those deviled eggs don’t sound like they were good. I try and bring them to people as mine are tasty!
    I’m a jar-hoarder too! But I have a LOT of them. Too many. I actually decluttered that a few months ago and threw out quite a few but I still have probably 50? Or more. Some are mason jars and some are smaller jars from spices. Since I make a lot of spice mixes for myself, or I buy new products (I am addicted to trying new products), I collect jars. I also brought a ton of them to the basement, there are way fewer up here near the kitchen.

  11. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Maybe the deviled eggs were made with Miracle Whip and that is why they were sweet?? There is sugar in Miracle Whip, one of the reasons I don’t like it. My mom never bought it, she was a Hellmans girl. When I first tasted Miracle Whip, I hated it. Why ruin mayonnaise with sugar?? Ewwww.. Anyway, that is my theory.
    I did not behave on Passover and that is ok. I wasn’t that terrible, mainly gluten-free matzo but only a little potato, and definitely some real sweets. I allowed myself those things so I am not feeling guilty.

  12. Gladys O'Brien
    Gladys O'Brien says:

    Wendy, you have turned into YOGURT CENTRAL for the family! 🫙🫙🫙🫙🫙Very cool!👩‍🍳
    I am an O+ blood type ….🐂beef is king at my house! I love burgers🍔i can eat them every day! I even crave 🍔burgers! 🥩Beef Roasts of all kinds ..I adore! I am planning on making a two Lebanese spiced Beef Yogurt Based Soups! With our Super Gut Yogurt🫙🫙🫙🫙🫙
    No, Harry, raw 🥩VERY FRESH 🥩well seasoned 🥩raw steak with 🥩onions … Middle Eastern 🥩Beef 🥩Kibbeh 🥩and bulgur wheat..is 👩‍🍳delicious…but bulgur is my enemy…I am wheat intolerant plus it is full of unwanted carbs. I sub HEMP HEARTS for crunch and texture. It works! 🧅👩‍🍳🥬Plus crisp romaine🥬🥬🥬and Keto Pita🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓
    🧈🧈🧈Butter here…now hitting well over seven dollars a pound for the good stuff! 🇨🇦

    Good luck with your BBE 🥩🧈🍳this week…+🫙yogurt. What? No bacon?🥓🥓🥓
    Time for tea 🫖🫖for two with my Mariposa! 😊


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