7 BEGINNER TIPS FOR FOOD DEHYDRATING | What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Dehydrating

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I hope these beginner dehydrating tips will help you become more confident in your dehydrating skills! RESOURCES: Dehydrating Basics: Tips & Tricks: …

40 replies
  1. K. B.
    K. B. says:

    I have frozen all my tomatoes from this year's crop. They take up too much space in my freezers. Is it too late to thaw them so I can dehydrate them?? I plan to dehydrate in my oven. After I dehydrate, I plan to make them into a powder. Saw a video to make dehydrated tomatoes into a powder. Any suggestions???

  2. Chris Moxcey
    Chris Moxcey says:

    Yeah, I always dehydrate so long that I am absolutely sure that there is no moisture, usually like double the time anything calls for. No point in taking any chances. Like you said it takes the time it takes. Then I add 12 hours lol no moisture in my food

  3. Trudi Notley
    Trudi Notley says:

    So I bought my first dehydrator today. Would love to do citrus to have with Gin & Tonic 🤣. I’m sure once I start I will do more. My husband wants to try to do beef jerky. Love your advice. Thank you

  4. Audrey E. Wrobel
    Audrey E. Wrobel says:

    All great tips! I grow quite a few herbs and have for years now, and I either sun dry herbs, or do so passively inside of paper towels, sometimes after mostly dry putting them in paper bags to continue drying so I can label them. Another thing I do is then vacuum seal them once dry. You can use a coffee grinder to make them powered, too. Twine and cheesecloth are useful to drying things, too!

  5. Samuel Ademola
    Samuel Ademola says:

    Hello please i need your help, i've been working on a project, trying to dehydrate Paypaya till it get crispy, something like Papaya Chips, but all to no avail, it keeps coming out like a dried leather, i dont know what am doing wrong 😭

    Please if you know any crisping agent i can add before placing the Pawpaw slice in the dehydrator , or any pretreatment before dehydrating the pawpaw slice that will make it come out crispy, i will appreciate 💯

  6. Ericka Bursma
    Ericka Bursma says:

    Hi. I’m a brand new subscriber and I have a question about pressure canning. On the 4th of July I canned 25 lb. of ground beef in pint jars. I added some fat drippings to the jars. It settled with 1 inch of head space. How long will this last? I heard someone today say that fat goes rancid with freeze drying. Will it go rancid in my canning jars?

  7. Douglass Wales
    Douglass Wales says:

    Question… I am brand new to dehydrating, mine will be delivered next week. I just got to the point of conditioning, good information, thank you. So, Say I find with my plums or oranges that I find a speck of mold, could I pour rum or brandy over the fruit, fill the jar and set it aside for later enjoyment? Sounds good to me 🙂

  8. Nora Isaacs
    Nora Isaacs says:

    o.k. Im new to dehydrating, I do mainly fruits. Could someone please explain how to use fruit fresh to keep fruit from turning brown PLEASE? sprinl
    klin power on and mixing it w/ fruit sure didnt work very well! LOL Thx, Nora in Arizona high country.

  9. Marilyn Moore
    Marilyn Moore says:

    Ok dehydrated my first blueberries yeaterday . These were frozen from a friends bushes . My home is humid , Mississippi . I dehydrated at 145 for 14 hours . The juice was underneath the berries and was sticky . Should i had or am i able to put them back in to complete the drying ?

  10. Femme Gem
    Femme Gem says:

    I have NO extra space really. I need a small dehydrator. Is there anything you can recommend that’s not gigantic? I can sit on my dryer when not in use but already keep my instant pot and crock pot there to give an idea of how little space.

  11. Airmedic007
    Airmedic007 says:

    Is it ok to put banana in ziploc bag once they are done? Should I freeze those bag or just keep it on my shell. I just want to keep them as long as I can..thank you for your time, your videos are great. Sorry if my english is not perfect, i'm still learning english ahah.

  12. M L
    M L says:

    I just found your channel!! Subbed and learning so much from you!!! Thank you!!! I’m new to this. I have some frozen green peppers from my garden. Do I blanche them from frozen before dehydrating them? 🤔


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