69 DAYS 100% Carnivore! Do We Still LOVE IT?

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18 replies
  1. Robin Henderson
    Robin Henderson says:

    I wish we lived closer to buy some grass fed beef. I just recently heard that it might help me with my gut, and skin problems. I will try this for 60 days and see how I make out.
    Thank you for the awesome video! Y'all are wonderful! 🙏

  2. Amandazplace
    Amandazplace says:

    I found yogurt, whipping cream, and butter that has a clean, simple ingredient list. Im so happy! I just typed in "organic" for every item when doing my order, and found it. So, its just the cream cheese and sour cream I cant find a clean replacement for.👏

  3. Laura W.
    Laura W. says:

    I’m curious to see how this plays out for you all as a long-term diet 5-10-15 years versus a short term healing food plan. I have tried many diet plans to heal juicing feast and fasts, keto, raw vegan, vegan, autoimmune protocol, and paleo – I feel like it’s hard for any of us to live long-term on any diet extremes. I find myself happiest on a whole food, low sugar, gluten free, dairy, free diet without too many carbs. But definitely enjoy fresh organic fruits in moderation. I can see where most of these diets could have a place in ones healing protocol short term but it’s hard for me to see how these work out long-term for most people. I couldn’t imagine eating only meat and fats more than five or 10 years. More power to anybody who can though and is thriving, no judgment here just pondering long term sustainability. Bless y’all on your journey

  4. Richard
    Richard says:

    UCLA evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond stated that: "The eating of grains is the worst mistake in the dietary history of the human race!" The daily consumption of grains [in the form of bread, buns, bagels, muffins, crumpets, breakfast cereals, pizza base, cakes, crackers and biscuits], all complex carbohydrates, drives excess INSULIN production (with goods made from both white or wholemeal flour). Eating grains promotes FAT STORAGE, and leads to CHRONIC HEART DISEASE, FATTY LIVER DISEASE (NAFLD), and KIDNEY DISEASE. Grains are allergenic, immune-system-suppressing, poor in nutritional value and inferior to eating plants and animals. Whole grains are possibly worse due to pro-inflammatory, immune, and digestive system harming agents such as GLUTEN and EXCESSIVE FIBRE.

  5. Nanas_Treasure
    Nanas_Treasure says:

    I started carnivore July 5th I’ve lost 25 lbs and feel better then ever I had the same problem after surgery my knee was always numb or in a lot pain I haven’t had any pain at all

  6. Dion Feist
    Dion Feist says:

    I’ve been on a low carb and low sugar diet for over a year and lost 50 lbs. I love meat, avocados, pistachios, almonds and butter. I’m addicted to good fats and healthy living. I used to be addicted to French fries and butterfinger ice cream. Cravings are gone and I can go 10 hours and not eat.


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