6 Ways To Make Scrambled Eggs: Tested & Explained | Bon Appétit

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Chef Harold Villarosa tests 6 different ways to make scrambled eggs, breaking down all of the variables in play when preparing this seemingly straightforward …

23 replies
  1. jangeltrain
    jangeltrain says:

    I've adapted about three of these versions into one for my perfect scramble- crack the eggs into a cold pan with butter, season, scramble in the pain over highish heat and lower, emulsify the butter in by stirring frequently until the end when you let some of the curds get bigger. I like my eggs a little on the wet side so I finish them quickly. Super quick way to do them, less dishes, easy and tasty.

  2. Operation 3Sixty
    Operation 3Sixty says:

    My favorite: Butter, milk not necessary but 1-2 tbsp is good if you want it, medium heat until the eggs start to cook and then low-med heat until done to desired wetness, stirring constantly, salt after (because I like getting little pockets of salt, makes it exciting). Easy, quicker and more practical than low and slow for most people who don't have 15 minutes to cook eggs lol but pretty much the same result, just a bit quicker because you start with higher heat

  3. Andrea Alexis
    Andrea Alexis says:

    I'm not going to sit here and debate specifics, but to me scrambled means they're actually cooked through and not a porridge you can shlop out of a bowl. Regardless of if you like a fork or spoon, they should at least be able to be held with a fork.

    Just me being crazy and not wanting salmonella I guess idunno


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