6 Iced Coffee Drinks that are better than Starbucks (easy & vegan)

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43 replies
  1. Nela Fraňková
    Nela Fraňková says:

    i work as a barista and my go to is hot oat cappuccino since I live in a colder country. if I'm feeling fancy I love a cold brew w maple syrup, a pinch of sea salt and an oat milk. its really delicious!

  2. Micah Bowen
    Micah Bowen says:

    I'm a French Press person all the way. Makes enough for my morning cup and my to go thermos in one go. But on weekends I use my Moka pot to make more of a latte with brown sugar syrup. And now that it's getting warmer I'm making iced lattes.

  3. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S says:

    Lately I've been really into making brown sugar shaken espresso. It's SO good and very easy to make, Just brew a double shot, add some brown sugar in a jar with a few ice cubes, pour espresso over, cover and shake-shake-shake till you have a nice foam. Then add some oat or vanilla soy milk (my two favorites) and more ice. Yum!

  4. flareontoast
    flareontoast says:

    A note on xylithol, it's not safe for most pets (especially dogs) and some people have trouble digesting it, so it may not be a sugar alternative for everyone! And that's okay.
    That's said. I needed some more inspo for my afternoon coffee!

  5. Alix Rider
    Alix Rider says:

    Just to say that I heard that it was not good to keep coffee for a few days cause it can create stomach ache (the pellicule formed on top of the coffee is not digest).
    Keep that in mind in case it happens to you ☺

  6. ms. honey
    ms. honey says:

    with the bambino you can hold down the double shot button, and it will go into manual mode. now it will just keep extracting until you hit the button again! this way you can get the amount of espresso you desire. it will remember to extract for this amount of time the next time you just hit the button. you’ll have to play with the grind size/ amount you put in the portafilter to get the flavor you desire from the shot from there. typically double shots are extracted between 25-30 seconds. good luck!

  7. ElskaBa
    ElskaBa says:

    today i made my coffee (instant because it's convenient) with maple syrup, mixed spice, and a few drops of vanilla essence and it's was sooo good. Can't wait to try some of these recipes!!

  8. Madisen Wells
    Madisen Wells says:

    Drinking the cayenne mocha now! So yummy, such a great idea. I made it hot so I could skip the sauce pan step and make the mocha sauce in the microwave/ in the mug I served it in

  9. Sparky
    Sparky says:

    Loved your video! Great ideas thank you. Please can you tell me which espresso machine you use? It looks like it doesn’t take up much counter space and I’m trying to persuade my husband that I “need” one🤣

  10. Tania Mousel
    Tania Mousel says:

    Your mocca will taste better if you add boiling water already (careful to use a towel when closing up as it gets hot instantly) and as soon as the coffee is done, pour it out of the machine to avoid getting the rests in it, that will taste more burnt. Making Mocca is a whole art in Italy ^^ and you can find lots of videos online on how to get the best quality coffee out of it

  11. Charlotte Blitsch
    Charlotte Blitsch says:

    at the moment I enjoy my iced oat latte with a bit of lavender syrup 🙂 it adds a really nice flavor to it and I feel like it somehow suits summer time since it does taste kinda fresh! 
    If I'm on the go I just add some vanilla oatly to my coffee since it makes an amazing foam and lovely taste 🙂

  12. Iole
    Iole says:

    I don't like iced coffee that much, but I want to try the French press sooo bad, and that Mexican chocolate cold brew sounds so yummy!
    Just a little tip for the moka: fill the bottom part just below the valve, then insert the funnel and put the coffee powder in but DON'T ever press it, it has to form a "mountain" and then close it all with the top part. The heat has to be on low, otherwise the coffee will have this kinda burned aftertaste.

  13. Nic
    Nic says:

    My go to is using a moka pot, the sound of the coffee bubbling when it's ready is heaven. Normally I just throw in a bit of milk but when I'm feeling like a little extra I'll froth the milk and top with some cinnamon

  14. lexWOLFhale
    lexWOLFhale says:

    wait iced coffee with tonic water is a thing and not just something I did occasionally whilst I lived in the UK? (I used to do it a lot especially in spring and summer)

  15. viivi
    viivi says:

    oh I'm definitely making the biscoff one tomorrow since I have a jar of biscoff in my house! I also noticed those ready to bake croissants around where I live and I was baffled that they were vegan
    edit: for the question at the end, my fav iced coffee is an iced latte with oat milk and peppermint syrup! I also looove cold brew with oat milk

  16. nokiddingbrainless
    nokiddingbrainless says:

    I love messing around with coffee drinks, it's so much fun! One of my favourite ways to make cold brew is to put a cinnamon stick, a few cardamom pods, a few cloves, a few allspice berries and some black peppercorns in with the coffee to infuse! The result ends up tasting kind of like a dirty chai, but without the tea! For hot coffee, I add the whole spices to a grinder along with the coffee beans and brew that, which also works beautifully. Vanilla sugar/extract optional.

    An extra weird option that I LOVE is to add a heaping teaspoon if mugolio to some hot coffee. Mugolio is a thick syrup made from young pine cones. It's very expensive to buy, but it's very easy to make yourself, you just gather a bunch of young green pine cones in the spring (make sure they're still green on the inside), then you put them into a mason jar and cover them with a roughly equal amount of sugar. Let that sit for a few weeks at least, up to like, 6 months? Make sure to shake the jar every once in a while and open it every day or so at least for the first few weeks to let any gasses escape.

    The sugar will drown out the moisture in the pine cones, turning it into a thick sludgy syrup, and the wild yeast on the pine cones makes it ferment, while the tannins and acidity of the pinecones keeps it shelf-stable. It might grow some mould but you can just scoop it off and it'll be fine!

    Then after a few weeks/month, you pour the whole mixture into a pot and bring to a boil, adding some water or extra sugar as desired, then strain into a clean jar and keep in the fridge for up to a few months. The flavour is INCREDIBLE. It tastes how pine trees smell, but sweet with a hint of citrus too, it's so so good, highly recommend.

  17. Alexia Patrick
    Alexia Patrick says:

    I work as barista in COSTA in the UK and we do what we called « Whipped Iced Latte ». To a blender jug add a tiny few ice cubes and your shots of coffee for at least 15s. To your glass, add a bit of ice again, poor your milk of choice on top and then syrups. Finally, poor whipped coffee on top.
    The fact of blending ice and coffee will make a sort of coffee foam – the more ice the foamier. And, Enjoy your Drink!

  18. Priya Bajaj
    Priya Bajaj says:

    You can customize the amount of espresso from that machine by holding down the shot button for a few seconds and it will keep going until you press it again to stop

  19. L P
    L P says:

    My favorite coffee has been a triple marshmallow latte- marshmallow coffee with toasted marshmallow nutpod creamer and a little marshmallow syrup. Great iced or hot. Yum!

  20. Ridley J
    Ridley J says:

    if u hold down the double shot button on ur breville machine til it starts up u can press it again when u have ur desired amount of espresso dispensed (i think it caps at running for a minute but im not sure! this also works for the single shot)


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