6 Easy Weight Loss Habits You Can START NOW! + Challenge! 🎉

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Harness the power of gateway habits to boost your consistency with less effort with the gateway habits challenge! Win a goodie …

47 replies
  1. Cara Helm
    Cara Helm says:

    I cook my Japanese yams once a week and keep them in the fridge. I also microwave my potatoes for 8 minutes and add to my prepped veggies… I put veggies and fruits in my carry on bag and take with me!!

  2. VIETUS1040
    VIETUS1040 says:

    6 Easy Weight Loss Habits You Can START NOW! + Challenge!. Video has attractive content and form. Watched the video on Watched the video on Aug 7, 2022 very like. Thank you so much

  3. Lyn Radke
    Lyn Radke says:

    Thank you for all of the great content that you provide for free! I have been following content creators in the plant-based community for awhile now, and I really appreciate you offering something different by focusing on behavioral change. Recipes and hacks are great, but focusing on concrete strategies for handling the psychological aspects of longer-term success has been so useful to see from you. ❤

  4. gbucks
    gbucks says:

    I like to make a batch of steel cut oats in the instant pot. Then I eat on that for multiple days. My bad habit is that I will stay on plan all week then mess up on the weekends.

  5. KBro05
    KBro05 says:

    Hearing you Chelsea. Here in Australia fruit & vege are through the roof! $17 kg for Capsicum! But meat too is off the charts. After finding your channel, vege is now the preferred option.

  6. Holly Malcom
    Holly Malcom says:

    Hi Chelsea 🙂 You might be asked this daily, but have you heard of Dr. Saray Stancic who overcame MS, even after having it for almost a decade? She is with PCRM. Also, Dr. Brooke Goldner. Her book Goodbye Autoimmune Disease specifically lists multiple sclerosis on the front cover. I know you're already wfpb, but I wonder if they have more specific ideas to offer? I don't mean to bother you with this information. If you have not already looked into these doctors, I didn't want you to miss their possible help.
    Good luck to you! You and your family are in my prayers! 💝
    Thank you for all that you do! Your information is the most comprehensive, easy to follow, you tell things in a way that it really makes sense/is very clear, you're so much fun!! I just can't say enough great things about you. You're my #1 to follow/learn from ❤️

  7. Davena Dainton
    Davena Dainton says:

    Fab video lovely. I have to say morgie is so damn beautiful! She's growing so fast. Your other beautiful girl is growing fast too. She makes me laugh. She loves the camera and is so adult like in her explanations. Haha. She has a wonderful little character x

  8. Sandy Pluss
    Sandy Pluss says:

    ABSOLUTELY LOVE the illustration via skateboard 👏👏 what a fantastic visual!!!!
    And yes absolutely can't deal with broccoli confetti🙄🙄🙄🙄 drives me CRAZY.
    I've even been buying prechopped salad bags now as it's so much easier since I work out of the home and have less time. Might be more expensive but it's still cheaper than binge food!!!!!!
    That goodie bag is the prettiest colour!!!!😍😍
    Our veggies are also painfully expensive atm…. I don't usually resort to frozen veggies but we've had to!

  9. Nic gets Fit
    Nic gets Fit says:

    Thank you! Love this! I have lost 18kg eating this way but struggling big time at the moment! This has been really helpful as I feel like I’m hitting a wall at the moment 🥰🙏

  10. Mountain hiker
    Mountain hiker says:

    chelsea love the idea of this challenge! Does it need to be these 3 gateway habits or can it be other things, like setting up a meditation area before bed for the next morning or putting workout clothes out? I was just wondering bc meditation is brand new for me, and i'm trying to get back into exercise (again)…both are habits I'm trying to build to decrease anxiety (anxiety can trigger me to want to snack on comfort foods). Thanks!

  11. Lulu's Mom
    Lulu's Mom says:

    Excellent advice…so simple. Microwave potato: I dampen the paper tower first before wrapping. No overnight oats but I prep a week's worth of oats/flax/cinnamon to eat raw with homemade almond milk…add frozen blueberries…pretty much copying Dr. Esselstyn. The girls are growing up so fast and they are truly adorable.

  12. Anna Inman
    Anna Inman says:

    What sauce or seasoning or dressing do you put on frozen vegetables or steamed broccoli??? I struggle wanting to eat them because I feel like I want something other than hot sauce or salsa. I have done cheeze sauce but I don’t always have it. Any other ideas would be helpful.

    I also love to bring a mini container of Old Bay seasoning with my potato and sprinkle it on as I eat. I wrap the potato in foil after it’s been heated to keep it warm while I’m out.

  13. ve.ri
    ve.ri says:

    uuuuh, I like that challenge. 🥳🙂
    but is there an alternative for the potato? I feel like I don't tolerate them really, when I eat them a lot. 😒

  14. Awhimai Reynolds
    Awhimai Reynolds says:

    Hey Chelsea, love your videos. Great tips. I live in Wellington New Zealand. You know there are Starbucks in NZ maybe not where you live but in the major towns. We can also buy cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. I have some in my fridge. They are not cheap though. $7.99 for a punnet of cherry tomatoes. I agree frozen vegetables are a good way to go.

  15. Mrssupermum
    Mrssupermum says:

    Chelsea. Wow. This is so encouraging, I've part read atomic habits and this and your other video about simplifying everything is bloomin genius really. I've just started, this week using my microwave for rice. I take the rice, a big load of salad and avocado and make a sauce and it's ready in 2.5 mins and I roll it all up in nori. It's so easy and eliminating the extra steps is not obvious to us most of the time so thank you very much for these suggestions. Awesome. Thanks. X

  16. Barbara Mallow
    Barbara Mallow says:

    Removing obstacles is so key. It can cost more money to buy unfrozen prepped fruits and veggies, but I justify it by knowing that a healthy diet is offsetting higher health care costs in my future. Also, I use a spreadsheet to track my food choices so I don't end up with decision fatigue. As an example, every day, I eat a piece of fruit for breakfast. Mon is an apple, Tue is a pear, Wed is a banana, Thu is a peach, etc. So in one sense, I eat the 'same thing' every day (a piece of fruit), but I eat a different fruit each day. That way, I get a variety of nutrients each week and from all colors of the rainbow. I do the same with daily servings of beans and veggies and salads and grains and so forth.

  17. Krystal Steward
    Krystal Steward says:

    You give the best advice ❤️ life is busy and hard! It’s made a huge difference watching your video’s with these simple ways to make a lifestyle change not as hard as it seems to be. Inconsistency is my worst enemy and I’m joining this on the 5th

  18. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    Thank you for this helpful advice. You can really see how much you believe in what you are saying – and you're also living proof. I've been plantbased for over 25 years, but have always carried around an extra twenty pounds due to my reliance on processed food and handfuls of nuts. I have been doing the starch solution for a few weeks now and I can see the results, not only in dropping the weight but also in my energy levels. I am so grateful to you and to the other content creators who I have learned from. Social media can sometimes have harmful consequences, but man, has it helped me. I couldn't do it without you and others like Hungry Vegan Mama, High Carb Hannah, and Plantiful Kiki. I wish you so much success in all you do. So appreciate you!

  19. Steamy Vegan Kitchen
    Steamy Vegan Kitchen says:

    Really great tips, thank you Chelsea! Been following you for a little while and really appreciate your insights into losing weight on a plant based diet. Being a food blogger myself I find that there’s always a tendency to try and overcomplicate recipes with fancy ingredients and to make plant based food look like meat-based products — but I love that you show that plants are delicious just as they are and should be enjoyed and appreciated for how they nourish our bodies. ☺️ I’m definitely going to be trying the microwave potato this weekend and joining your gateway habits challenge!

  20. KCallaUT
    KCallaUT says:

    My new favorite meal is some potatoes that I have quartered and steamed, add 1/2 C homemade refried beans, and top with storebought salsa. I'm enjoying a mango salsa. Perfect meal with a side of steamed frozen green beans. I tend to eat the same thing until it gone and I'm guessing I won't get tired of this for some time. NOTHING tastes better than homemade refried beans! They freeze well too.

  21. KerlyAnn O
    KerlyAnn O says:

    My issue is when I am PMSing and I get chocolate cravings I literally eat everything sweet in the house whether it's vegan or not 😰 I've lost 20lbs so far and I am not yet at my goal


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