6 Cardio Mistakes that SLOW Muscle Growth | Nick Bare & Thomas DeLauer

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28 replies
  1. Ignacio Ottati
    Ignacio Ottati says:

    QUESTION: I am currently dealing with Covid for the first time since the pandemic started. I have lost muscle mass, I get tired really easily just walking up the stairs in my house, and my legs hurt after 5000 steps. I am on day 7 and in theory should be on my way out. How do I get back into my workout routine? Should I start more with cardio and then more weights or weights first and cardio later? I am trying to maintain my protein consumption at my regular level.

  2. Reza G
    Reza G says:

    The current consensus is that cardio is useless for fat loss because it usually just makes us hungrier after to replace the calories we’ve lost. The only benefit of cardio is…well…cardio, ie. heart health. And you dont need hours of cardio for this. About 30 minutes a week of high intensity intervals should be sufficient for heart health and boosting vo2 max. For fat loss, better to stick to exercises that burn fat without making you hungry like lifting weights and walks (use a weighted ruck sack).

  3. p7reston777
    p7reston777 says:

    Question: I am trying to get my 12-15k steps per day in addition to weightlifting. I have been doing 2 sessions of 45min walking. Since this is LISS, is this okay for my metabolism? I’m keeping my maintenance calories 2400 and only hitting my deficit with walking… any thoughts ??

  4. Christopher Bellar
    Christopher Bellar says:

    I'm trying to be a hybrid athlete, and found myself behaving like Nick… I'm constantly competing with myself and pushing myself on my easy days too hard. I think it's a holdover mindset from the infantry, which Nick probably "suffered" from, too.

  5. James C.
    James C. says:

    Best shape of my life was in the Marines 3x a week 3 mile fast jogs and 3 to 4 times a week weights. Ran a 1830 3 miles while benching 315 max, at 168 lbs and no steroids. Lots of chicken breast, Salads, carbs before weights, fasted 3 mile runs in the early AM, then breakfast. Protein and Fat after lifting. No…ZERO snacking. I was getting hit on by both sexes 😂

  6. Richie James
    Richie James says:

    Il never understand companies making cycle computers. All that money and research making hardware could be spend on making an incredible app that leverages smart phone tech. we all ride with our phones in our pockets, mount them on your bars and have a MUCH better experience than low quality wahoo or hammmerhead or garmin screens.

  7. John Travis
    John Travis says:

    @8:00 No, if you actually want max fat loss with minimum long term fatigue you need zero carbs. True fat adaptation is infinite energy. You just go slower. Go slower, and keep going, and going and going. 100g of carbs is 400 calories. 400 calories that make the workout easier, make you faster, but 400 more calories you have to burn off that could have come from fat+gluconeogenesis. Yeah, you can't be speed athlete on carnivore/very low carb keto. But anyone trying to true max fat loss and true max athlete speed output simultaneously is beyond dumb.

    Agree with everything else, you should start slow but people need to figure out themselves what they can do on a constant daily basis. "minimal effecting training volume" more applicable to muscle building than fat loss. Sure there are diminishing returns going from 0>3 vs 3>6 cardio workouts per week, but let the person working out be the judge of that. When you feel UNRECOVERED/weak at the next workout, this is the biggest sign you need to back off the cardio volume.


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