5 Ways To Survive Economic Collapse

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Will you be able to survive the coming economic crisis or even worse, an economic collapse? 2022 is starting off unpredictably …

29 replies
  1. Lilly B
    Lilly B says:

    Sorry I laughed when you said learn how to hang clothes on the line. As in my county itā€™s normal to hang your Washing out. But I guess if in your country itā€™s not the norm a lot of people wonā€™t k ow how to do that.

  2. Kirsten Keele
    Kirsten Keele says:

    We moved into a new neighborhood a year ago. It became my moms biggest goal/mission to wave to all our neighbors and people driving by. Only a handful of people ever wave back, and itā€™s all the older generations. Nobody wants to be bothered to even acknowledge each other in this day and age and itā€™s so sad to see. Communication and social unity is a big part of community, and thatā€™s lacking in a lot of areas.

  3. albutler614
    albutler614 says:

    If things get bad, people that have not prepared will want what we have and will take it! Iā€™ve read ā€œGrid Down, Reality Bitesā€ and people are killed for food and other supplies. That is what worries me.

  4. Lisa A.
    Lisa A. says:

    Yeah. My husband is taking me to buy a water filtration thingy today. Ordered 3 Vol. 1 cookbooks; some are for my other daughters. Love watching your stuff. I watch it all twice so I can remember. I make soap also, Tawra! šŸ™‚

  5. This Roth Tribe
    This Roth Tribe says:

    Someone didnā€™t know what they had at a homeschool book sale and I got one of your original dining on a dime cookbooks for .25!!!!! I never snatched something up so fast! And, I DO know how to cook. I still thought it would be excellent to have!

  6. SomewhereInWTX
    SomewhereInWTX says:

    I have been trying to acclimate to the heat outside – But I have to keep the pantry air conditioning on to keep food stable temperature – so if I get absolutly miserable I can always sit in there – take a cold bath (we have well water) – the water is recycled for other uses.

  7. Terry Rodriguez
    Terry Rodriguez says:

    When I was a kid in St. Paul, Minnesota during the sixties my mom had a wringer washer tub in our creepy basement. I used to help my her with the laundry. In the summer we hung up the sheets on the outside lines and undies were hidden in the center so the neighbors didnā€™t see them. Winter they flash froze then we brought them in and hung things on wooden racks next to the radiators. We were so excited when we got a dryer and eventually a used washing machine. It jumped all over during the spin cycle so the three of us kids sat on top of it to weigh it down. We thought it was fun and would sing a song because our voices sounded all wobbly. What a fun memory.

  8. Gay Dungan
    Gay Dungan says:

    My granny taught me to hangout clothes in the 60s she taught me many things as I was growing up. Thanks for showing people how to do things. Have a great day. Love from Texas.

  9. Seeking the Minimum Level
    Seeking the Minimum Level says:

    LOVE your practical advice! Your one comments made me think of a favorite quote I heard from a little girl in our homeschool nursery many years ago. When another child started whining, this little two year old said, "Buck up baby cakes." I was new to the coop and didn't know the little girl's mom, but I thought how much I would like her family. Fast forward, and that little girl is my daughter's sister-in-law. šŸ™‚

  10. Crystal Smith
    Crystal Smith says:

    Great video, thank you. I have taken all your prepping advice to heart and done everything you have suggested. On a side note, Our local water company had to replace the water pipes on my whole street and the water tastes absolutely terrible. I canā€™t believe it passed the tests they said it did. So happy I had a Berkey. You are 100% correct sometimes emergencies happen and being prepared saves a lot of heartache and worry. Thank you for all the wisdom you are sharing, I am very grateful!

  11. Jeannine Duncan
    Jeannine Duncan says:

    Thanks so much ladies for all these amazing tipsšŸ˜˜
    I've been saving our ripped up clothes that I can't hand down or give away for rags but I never thought about saving the zippers and buttons off of them, lol. Now I'll have to go through my bag of damaged clothing and cut out these things!!

  12. donna * Lovinā€™ Texas
    donna * Lovinā€™ Texas says:

    My heat has been on 66Ā° since getting a $350 electric bill. I stopped by Goodwill yesterday before work and found a wool blanket and 1 adult and 1 child sleeping bag. They were not the best quality but better than nothing.


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