5 vegan breakfast recipes! ( 3 savoury + 2 sweet )

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Hey friends and welcome! I wanted to share some really yummy, not so difficult, vegan breakfast recipes for you to try! I will be …

34 replies
  1. Lauren Jernstadt
    Lauren Jernstadt says:

    I have frozen berries that I’ve been meaning to use up because they aren’t the best for eating by themselves. Will most certainly be trying the breakfast sweet potato with the berry chia jam!!!

  2. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I am totally a creature of habit when it comes to brekkie plus I rarely have the time to experiment but for the days I do fancy something new, these ideas are just perfect! I make chickpea omelettes from time to time but I actually never had tacos or eggs benedict (I know, criminal) so I am definitely feeling inspired now! The sweet ideas are totally not breakfast items for me (I only want savoury in the morning) but they sound bomb too! I love eating sweet potatoes with sweet toppings and brownies are always the best cake 😀
    Lots and lots of love!
    Have a great rest of the week! Julia!

  3. memymomoo
    memymomoo says:

    wow your channel has grown so fast! I've been here since like 1k I think. Good job to you! I would love a video about the finance side of youtube. Are you making enough to cover your groceries every month yet? I've been considering starting a youtube channel so the finances are super interesting to me haha

  4. Szilágyi Judit
    Szilágyi Judit says:

    Try to make the brownie with steamed beetroot instead of the sweet potatoes. The colour and the taste is going to be amazing! 🤩 I definitely could live on that to the rest of my life! 😅🙈

  5. Andrea Aimable
    Andrea Aimable says:

    It's sad not seeing anymore of your beautiful posts on ig. Ig has deleted my account and I don't plan on creating a new one. 😐😑 Thank God there is still YouTube. Atleast I get to see your cooking videos and vlogs.☺💯

  6. Alexis Rose
    Alexis Rose says:

    dude a chickpea omelette would be soo good! i use them for an egg salad type sandwich so i feel like it would be awesomeee!! you have been inspiring me so much but my kitchen is so messy ahha. i woke up today wanting to film my food for the day but i need to clean 🧼 we are the opposite of minimalists and we have too many utensils and plates and cups and we just keep using them until we have a sink full of dishes 🤦‍♀️ bad cycle i’m trying to break.


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