5 Sexual Health Benefits of Cocoa | Power Like a Horse

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5 Sexual Health Benefits of Cocoa | Power Like a Horse 00:00 Introduction 02:51 Increase sexual drive 03:48 Regulates blood …

10 replies
  1. @luckyiriaojeomere3895
    @luckyiriaojeomere3895 says:

    Thanks for your lecture on cocoa, but in a situation were your do not like you to come for a second round of sex, wants she allow you once, she will tell you that's enough for the night and would allowed you again until days. She keep complaining that my penis is too big after given birth 5 times with four children alive, so what should I do, because I don't want to start cheating on her. We've talk it's over and over again but no changes. Please how do I help her because we've both listen to health talk on the sex benefits in marriage but yet she is not ready to improve


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