$5 Fried Rice Meals Feed Your Family for LESS

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Eat well and save money with these dishes. Go! ** Chinese Homestyle COOKBOOK! ** Amazon …

30 replies
  1. Millicent B.
    Millicent B. says:

    Excellent demonstrations with detailed cooking techniques. I've always known to use leftover rice, now I know why leftover rice should be cold too! I look forward to your future cooking demonstrations, and I'm over-the-moon having stumbled upon your show. Thank you so much! Peace and blessings.

  2. mireya taylor
    mireya taylor says:

    I found your channel some months ago and been following you ever since, thank for making it look so simple and easy yet with authentic flavor. I was wondering if you had Tiktok or any other social media I maybe able to follow you on?

  3. Heidi D
    Heidi D says:

    Whenever I'm in the mood for fried rice, I pull a piece of char siu out of the freezer and voila!! I love all 4 of these recipes. I already tried the one with the lettuce. Sooo good!!
    Happy Sunday, everyone…. And thanks Flo.

  4. wizardorlegend
    wizardorlegend says:

    I think I would have put those 3 extra rashers of bacon in with the mince. Everything tastes better with bacon. I must admit my favourite fried rice is ham.
    I could have eaten all that bacon rice, it making me so hungry.

  5. Marcus Homenick
    Marcus Homenick says:

    I-finally-came-back, this stream changed my life. My entire view of everything that exists in this world, in fact, even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything I know the same way again. This stream represents emotions that most humans could never understand. But I can. Thanks to this stream I was awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for this exquisite stream, I will never forget this experience ^_^


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