5 Best Ways to Preserve Your Garden Harvest| Food Preservation

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Food preservation is a key when you are growing a garden. In this video, I share my top 5 food preservation techniques I …

25 replies
  1. @ministershirleyarnold5189
    @ministershirleyarnold5189 says:

    I absolutely love your videos, this one is on time. My husband and I just started fully this year. We're starting out small, but are having success. 3:11 Since we are small right now, we are going with the Ziploc bags. Prayerfully next year we'll expand. One question though, Is there a way to preserve watermelon?

  2. @TRTGCbyjroed
    @TRTGCbyjroed says:

    Good Thursday Afternoon Barbara and Everyone. I totally agree with you…… freeze dried fruits at the grocery stores are super EXPENSIVE. I don't have a Freeze Dryer so I Dehydrate my fruit, snacks and veggies. Yes Ma'am I'm "Team Dehydrate" all day long. Me and Sophie (my Beagle) love my dehydrated apples, Kale (from my garden), bananas and Beef Jerky. I have a Corsi Dehydrator and I love it. I have a Presto Digital Canner and I do a lot of Canning. I do a lot of Freezer preserving also. I live in a Senior Community. My refrigerator/freezer is super small. So I invested in a small apartment size deep freezer three years ago…..game changer for me. It's just me and Sophie so I keep our freezer FULL with; Sophie's homemade dog food, my bulk meat items, prepped foods and veggies.
    Very informative "Food Preservation" video Barbara. Thank You for sharing. Be Blessed and Have a Wonderful weekend.
    P.S. I got my Azure order today. I couldn't decide on the Wildflower Honey or the Orange Blossom Honey so I got them both….glad I did because both are super delish! Thanks for the recommendation Barbara. Ms J😊

  3. @jaxveggiepatch
    @jaxveggiepatch says:

    This video is right on time for me. I have a ton of peppers & you’ve given me some options for preserving. I dehydrated some onions a few days ago. Oven is also a good option to dehydrate if one does not have the funds to purchase dehydrator. And tomato powder? what a great idea to use the skins.. nothing goes to waste. Thank you 😊

  4. @sitsngigglesful
    @sitsngigglesful says:

    Fantastic video! I didn't preserve enough seasonally last year, other than canning, because of some medical issues. This motivated me to make 3 goals for the next month to set myself up to be able to do better this year- it's things I need to complete to simplify preservation before the garden starts producing too much! Thanks again! I always learn from you, and get inspired

  5. @Grownladylyn
    @Grownladylyn says:

    Once again thank you for all the info. You look good and refreshed for the season. Always a pleasure. If possible can I pre order jalapeño salt let me know thank you again

  6. @lsimmons1962
    @lsimmons1962 says:

    Dehydration, Freezing, Vacuum Sealing, Fermentation and Canning are the different ways I'm preserving my harvest! I have the digital electric canner, I'm not preserving for a lot of people. I also have a cheap dehydrator. I hope to one day get an Excalibur Dehydrator and a Freeze Dryer.

  7. @katherinejackson9411
    @katherinejackson9411 says:

    Thanks for the encouragement Barbara! I can, dehydrate and freeze. Wish I could afford to get a freeze dryer. Wish I could afford a high tunnel to grow food to use in a high tunnel too😂. Goals❤.

  8. @jacquelinejenkins8
    @jacquelinejenkins8 says:

    Hi Barbara I enjoyed the video it was very informative. I am going to try canning and freezeing. It was very helpful. I have 23 tomato plants and hope I get a large harvest. See you next time.❤😊

  9. @ArtemisRiver
    @ArtemisRiver says:

    Mylar bags, freezing, dehydrating, and water bath canning. Husband bought me a pressure canner like a year and half ago, been trying to get the nerve to use it. Almost there lol.

  10. @cynthiafreeman3022
    @cynthiafreeman3022 says:

    Absolutely Great Barbara. Thanks so much. I have learned so much, my family and friends as well. No one but you would put all this information in one video. You are So efficient, it’s hard to believe that 4 years ago you had never touched dirt😅 I’m starting to doubt myself 😊 what a blessing. thanks again

  11. @marygrott8095
    @marygrott8095 says:

    I preserve by freezing, dehydrating, and last year I tried fermenting my green beans, which turned out well.

    Also, I use Souper Cube containers for freezing my soups and chili. Once it's frozen, I remove the food from the containers and place it in a freezer bag. They're also not cheap, but they're high quality.

    I have that freezer book you showed and like it as well.

  12. @lisafahrner8257
    @lisafahrner8257 says:

    I love this video Barbara!!! Thank you so very much for all of this information!! I’m just trying to dehydrate some foods. My daughter bought the Emeril Lagasse air fryer with dehydrator for me.


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