4th of July Fun and Update on Seth!

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39 replies
  1. Mom 2020
    Mom 2020 says:

    You have a nice Neighbourhood- such a nice blessing and especially when all family and neighbours both gather. Glad Seth is ok , God bless him and all of you .Joe is a wonderful young man, God bless him.

  2. Debs Adam's in UK
    Debs Adam's in UK says:

    You have fireworks for 4 th of July we in UK have fire works for bonfire night on the 5th of November in 1605 a gange plotted to blow up Houses of Parliament but they failed Seth is such a happy little boy I hope he is okay now God bless him 🙏

  3. Haven Inspiration TV
    Haven Inspiration TV says:

    I really love your channel. I have noticed something though and I say this with love. You had a July 4th gathering. Did you buy one container of potato salad for 16 people? Did you buy an extra container? Because that one container isn't enough to feed all of those people. I think if I had any criticism it would be that, from where we sit, we watch you do these food hauls. But you don't seem to have enough food presented to the family in meal form. You could cook double of what you do and if any was left over, save it or freeze it. But we're not seeing that with the food prep. Also, I do hope Seth is better.

  4. R Wheeler
    R Wheeler says:

    Glad he's ok! …my mom is an RN, semi-retired now but yes I get it!😂 mom rarely stressed about anything and never freaked out if we got hurt. She was an ER nurse for the first half of her career before doing mostly urgent care in a clinic. She is now working PT teaching students to be LPN's.

  5. Tamara Torres
    Tamara Torres says:

    If you put mustard on a burn for like a min., then really cold water, it'll heal faster & it'll not fester like a buble type of burn. Just f.y.i. 🙏 I hope Seth continues to get bk. to his normal self.😴Happy Healing!

  6. Party of Five
    Party of Five says:

    I’m DEFINITELY that laid back parent. One of the kids falls down a step, they’ll live. One of the kids has a high fever. Eh, let’s start them on a Motrin and Tylenol regimen and play it by ear. My daughter pushed her little sister into the corner of a wall and she split her head open. There was a lot of blood and I remember after stopping the bleeding, I was just standing there looking at her calmly thinking “hmm. Are we gonna need to go to the hospital for stitches?” I’m a nurse too but even before that, my father always taught me that kids bounce back from injuries better and easier than adults do. 9 times out of 10, they’ll be ok 👌🏼

  7. Sissy Fischer
    Sissy Fischer says:

    So happy Seth is OK. Wow, a four hour nap. That will cure anyone. I cannot believe your dog did not get upset over the Fourth of July fireworks. Bell is amazing.Her fruit tray was so pretty. And doing all those dishes for you. She loves you. You have such a good relationship with her

  8. Lisa Tugulea
    Lisa Tugulea says:

    Glad to hear all is good with Seth. I don't freak as much as my husband and I am not a nurse. His mother is a DNP so highly qualified and still practicing and she can keep calm until its a family member, then she is the worst person to have around. Our eldest fell and hit her head on concrete at Seths age and we had to have my father in law take her away she was so panicked and making my husband worse.

  9. Abbey
    Abbey says:

    This made me laugh as it is so true! My other half is a paramedic so I am definitely the parent who is concerned far more easily! My son and I certainly don't get any sympathy from him when there is an injury/illness! 🤣🤣

  10. Marlene Knowles
    Marlene Knowles says:

    Oh my goodness Sarah, I just realized I watched fireworks thru you guys last year!! Uh oh. No snakes, lol. We, may I speak for us all?), don't like snakes lol. We put them in their place pronto!!! 💛😅😅😅😅😅

  11. Dana Mama
    Dana Mama says:

    Oh wow Belle that desert was fantastic!! Haaa yes the dog would have nerves of steel 🙂 Love it. Wow that is so wonderful the whole neighborhood gets right into it. Very fun for sure!! I was so happy to see Grandma there too! She must have loved it. Glad to hear Seth on the mend. hugs

  12. Carolyn Mills
    Carolyn Mills says:

    My dad was a plumber. But he THOUGHT he was a doctor. You never wanted to go to him with a medical issue as he was apt to take out his pocket knife and start in one you. The worst was once I told him I had z loose tooth and he went to his toolbox for needle nose pliers. God above only knows where those pliers had been. 😅🤣🤪

  13. Amanda Meyer
    Amanda Meyer says:

    My sole reason in going to the ER or going in to an urgent dr. app is to get professional eyes on the situation. You do qualify as professional eyes! I'm glad Solo is there for balance. You are a great team!


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