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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

24 replies
  1. Trey Joyner
    Trey Joyner says:

    I hope you had a happy July 4 like I did, Tiffany. 🇺🇸🎆🎇 I watched "Independence Day 2" and the 1982 version of "Annie". I DVR'd 3 televised fireworks' specials, but I saw and heard the fireworks going off in the cul-de-sac. My mommy cooked meats in the George Foreman grill. I squeezed mustard and ketchup only on my 2 cheeseburgers and my hotdog that I ate. I ate grilled chicken and baked beans. I ate 3 small "July 4" cupcakes. I caught up on watching the specials.

  2. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    Hope you guys have a good holiday weekend! Looks like you had fun! Today we are having sloppy Joe's for eat at home. I can't believe it's almost mid July. We start back with cyber school the end of August. But I have plans to do a 'back to school' reset mid August. I always do it. I just declutter unused things, donate any clothing that doesn't fit to make room for anything the kids may need in bigger sizes etc. Always something!

  3. Erica Stout
    Erica Stout says:

    Hi Angel girl ❤️😘 You gotta love Simba 😂❤ He's making sure that everything is going i😅😅😅😂😂❤ God bless you and your family ❣️ Have a blessed day ❤️ Love you guys 😇🥰😇😇

  4. Nicole Keller
    Nicole Keller says:

    Looks like you had a beautiful 4th of July! Those were some great fireworks. The food looked good and so did your garden!! Oh and I absolutely adore Simba ❤. He looks like such a sweet little guy.

  5. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    It looks like you all had a wonderful 4th. Your garden is doing great every year you have your garden it will get better and produce more as long as the weather cooperates. This year i have a couple of tomato plants that have been giving me troubles because of the humidity being so high and my potatoes are struggling a little but there is still a good bit of summer left to grow I have picked 5 gallons of blackberries over the last 3 weeks. I am lining up canning projects for when it starts to cool down. Well have a great week and stay safe large family.


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