48 Meals For $26 At TARGET || Extreme Grocery Budget Target Edition

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target #extremegrocerybudget #budgetfriendlyfood #frugalliving #cheapmeals #familymeals #tightbudget #budget …

30 replies
  1. Adrienne McMillan
    Adrienne McMillan says:

    Google recommend this video. I see you mean 48 servings instead of meals. With Target prices I knew it couldn't be 48 meals lol.
    These are good ideas! I usually toast my bread before making a PB and jam sandwich. I will definitely have to try grilling it in a pan!
    I do get a few things at Target. The 1lb ground pork is cheap and good quality. The sensitive skin baby wipes is the main reason I go there though and the free Drive Up service.
    New to the channel, thanks for sharing! 💜

  2. Melinda Buchok
    Melinda Buchok says:

    I have found a link of sausage at dollar tree for a 1.25 and the same kind of sausage at dollar general for a 1.35 I use it to make a potato sausage and onions meal it can go a long way … Just an idea for a cheap meal to help.

  3. Kori
    Kori says:

    Girl, I’ve done Target sale hauls before that were awesome! I combine them with Ibotta deals. They used to have canned goods on clearance and I would get diced tomatoes for like $0.35. You are from east TN like me and I’ll give you a tip…don’t shop the locations in the nicer parts of town (Turkey Creek). I go to the smaller ones and get better deals. The only things I find on a regular that are cheaper are cream cheese, sour cream, and French fried onions. Their canned veggies also run around $0.55.

  4. DivineSurprise
    DivineSurprise says:

    I love your videos! I bing watch them as I just recently found you.
    Just a question, no judgement—it looks like you have a dishwasher and if it’s broken you could use it for it drying rack. But, maybe you are storing stuff? I use to do that when our’s was broken.
    Love your videos and you do amazing on your budgeting skills.

  5. Cindee
    Cindee says:

    You could’ve done bbq pork baked potatoes with roasted carrots, maybe slice potatoes super thin for chips and had carnitas nachos with cheese, and refried beans. Some bean pork rice carrot soup. Grilled pb banana Sammie’s.

  6. Toni Lash
    Toni Lash says:

    I love this episode!❤ I found a video the other day . The first time I ever seen one of your videos. I'm hooked that's all I want to watch now. I get on YouTube several times daily just to see more videos. Can't wait to see the next episode.

  7. Nancy's Journey
    Nancy's Journey says:

    Thanks for sharing. You mentioned linking emergency pantry stock up videos and I don't see any links. So either I'm missing them or they may have been forgotten? I'd love links if you have a chance.

  8. Rachel Hero
    Rachel Hero says:

    Great job! Could you do a budget video with 2-3 dinners that are super fast? Not using instant pot or rice cooker? I work 10 hr days and I’m the only cook/ grocery getter/ chauffeur/ housekeeper and sometimes I’m beat, but my husband wants a hot meal most every night.

  9. Donna Mcclenton
    Donna Mcclenton says:

    Target is Expensive… but I want to say I’m trying to stick to $60 a week for myself and it’s hard when you are a coffee drinker.. don’t like fruit.. don’t like tuna or potatoes.. but I will eat sweet potatoes ..

  10. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    Those meals looked great!! Suggested alternative for last meal…. Jacket potatoes with beans.
    Poke holes in whole potatoes, rub with a little oil and salt.
    Place on baking tray and cook until soft in the middle.
    Cut a X into top of potato and gentle squeeze open. Top with heated beans.
    (Usual filling is garlic butter, diced bacon, cheese- heated through so melty and topped with sour cream and green onions) 🤤🤤🤤 really anything can be a topping for jacket potatoes

  11. kevin bennett
    kevin bennett says:

    Not to seem like I complain all the time but I have never seen ANY of your family members say that they don't like what you make! And one question,your idea of a serving size would NEVER be enough at my house. Just sayin!

  12. janad45
    janad45 says:

    Great video! I don't eat my first meal of the day till around 11 or 12 myself. Then it's whatever I choose. It might be what is considered a breakfast meal, or it might be lunch type items. It just all depends on what I'm feeling that day at that moment. I mean, when you really stop and think about it, who made the rules on what type of food you're supposed to eat for each meal. A lot of times I eat a salad for my first meal of the day. Then again sometimes it's oatmeal🤷‍♀I dunno, I just decided one day that I'm grown so I can eat what I want when I want, and if I don't want to eat "breakfast" then I don't have to. I can just eat when I'm hungry. I would love to know who made up that whole eating breakfast rule🤔

  13. Lori Russell
    Lori Russell says:

    OMG!!!! This gives me an idea! You know how the cooking show Chopped has mystery baskets of ingredients? You could do a budget pantry edition. Like someone can send a small box of canned or pre packaged dry goods and your challenge is to see what you come up with and how far you can stretch the ingredients.

    Or, if you would rather people who you don't know send food, Dusty could take the boys shopping with a budget and they pick out random ingredients for the challenge!


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