48 Meals For $26 At TARGET || Extreme Grocery Budget Target Edition ‼️Repost Due to technical issues

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target #extremegrocerybudget #budgetfriendlyfood #frugalliving #cheapmeals #familymeals #tightbudget #budget …

48 replies
  1. Wanda Knighten
    Wanda Knighten says:

    Hi Brooke
    Thank you so very much for these excellent meal ideas it helps so much to have food list to go shop for . Thank you for helping me achieve this from the depths of my heart.❤

  2. Heather T
    Heather T says:

    Please! Please! Do a video about filling up growing boys on a budget. Meals and snacks that fill them up because my three boys eat so much!! (And we homeschool so they are home all the time).😂

  3. CraftyCassie6910
    CraftyCassie6910 says:

    I am 100% with you on having a stocked pantry! When I’m getting low on an item I put it on my list (I use the notes section on my phone) and when I see it on sale I stock up on it. I do the same with meat, I have a deep freezer for meat and etc. Keep an eye on your grocery stores! My local Weis marks down their meat on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, you can stock up on marked down meat, use freezer bags and stash in your freezer for when you need it. I love your videos and you always give me inspiration for a meal if I don’t know what I want for dinner (I try to make a meal plan but it changes with our moods lol)

  4. Kimberly
    Kimberly says:

    Everything looks really tasty. Liked how you made the baked beans. They looked yummy. I make grilled peanut butter all the time. I usually add marshmallow whip to them. I call them grilled fluffernutters. Take care and thank you for the tips and tricks.

  5. Samantha Stanley
    Samantha Stanley says:

    Love this series..
    Idk if people would find it "preach-y" ??
    But to do this AND have a small garden even just 1 raised bed, spring, summer & winter vegis..they could stretch $$ so much further….
    And or..do the budget haul and be able to pick just 1 item from a prep pantry per meal! Or both??
    From the budget haul you could have left out the..lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers?? To buy more meat, cheese, butter, milk etc..
    And ALWAYS have a big, constantly growing herb pot/s!
    You'll pretty much always have carrots, potatoes & onions!
    Tomatoes all summer..peppers..
    Just a thought to show..after this series is over..what's possible with just an Itty bitty garden and ANY pantry in reserve 😊

  6. Aimee
    Aimee says:

    I know I commented on this video and must have forgotten to hit enter. Excellent meals. My goodness. My brain. lol… Be blessed always, Brooke & co.. xoxo

  7. Wendy McBride Marine Corps Combat Medic
    Wendy McBride Marine Corps Combat Medic says:

    Hiya from Lt McBride the Navy Nurse. Been away for a bit… just back home from a quick 3 week Navy Co tinting ED class. gREAT JOB at Target. One of my most FAVORITE stores. Oh, I get in trouble in there.😅 Just a question. Did you say they "overcharged or charged wrong, and that's okay"?? Girl, you should have marched up to customer service and told them!! Bless you. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼PS. I love you peanut butter sandwich. It reminds me of elementary school yrs ago!! 🥪

  8. Judith Richardson
    Judith Richardson says:

    Hi Brooke. A little tip to take your grilled peanut butter sandwiches to a whole new level, instead of having the sliced banana on the side, put them in the sandwich AND add a little drizzle of honey. The heat from grilling them will soften the bananas if they are a bit on the firm side, and make them taste creamier and sweeter. Oh my goodness, it is the food of the gods, I promise you will LOVE it.
    Much love and respect to you and your beautiful family, from South East England. x

  9. Jodie Smith
    Jodie Smith says:

    We love grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. After we cook ours we top it with a little powdered sugar and it's amazing 😍 taste like fair food ❤ love you girl you're an amazing human thank you for all your recipes and tips

  10. ForgedMemory G. Ash
    ForgedMemory G. Ash says:

    My parents used to splurge on Kings Syrup. It's much thicker and has a very bold flavor, but not over powering. My mom would heat up peanut butter and kings syrup; mix them VERY WELL. Than she'd put it on crackers or bread. To this day I still love it and it brings back fond memories. You wouldn't have to add a lot of it either. With pancake syrup that uses more and just adds even more sugar. Heck it probably tastes good too. I will have to try it and compare them. =) Thank you. I know you didn't show that in this video, but I usually watch your videos as I am in bed and have no way of commenting. I sometimes can physically get on the computer.

    I want to applaud you for feeding your family frugally. For being consistent in videos and ideas for all of us. You show how some people 'struggle' when all they need is a little imagination and some basic inspiration.

    Oh, is it possible for you to make an episode where you make dishes with primarily beans? I have finally gotten through to my partner. He tried a chili I made and he loved it! HE ACTUALLY ATE BEANS WILLINGLY. Now, I am just afraid to make a bad dish and him go nah, never mind. I LOVE BEANS!

  11. inuyasha88
    inuyasha88 says:

    I see where their kids get their reactions from. They nod and go it’s good. It’s subtle but after seeing how dusty responds I’m convinced they get it from him. You can tell they love your cooking, words not needed body language says it all. Stay safe in the upcoming possible storms. In in VA and heard TN may be getting some weather warnings.


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