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Hey everyone, welcome to today’s grocery budget challenge! I’m showing you 45 meal servings for about $20 based of off serving …

50 replies
  1. Kimberly Grant
    Kimberly Grant says:

    Once again you have blown me away with these recipes 🤤 so delicious!! I hope you are feeling well looks like y'all's new addition will be coming very soon. Please let us know when she is here! I'm sure your little angel is ready to be a big sister 😁 keeping you and your family in my prayers always 🙏😊👍💞

  2. Shelly Scholting
    Shelly Scholting says:

    I'm new to watching your channel, but really confused about the title, it says 45 meals for $20. I only seen five recipes being done. I was thinking you were making 45 different recipes, which seemed impossible for $20. But it appears to be a total of 45 servings I'm I correct in that theory.

  3. Sooz
    Sooz says:

    As always Julia, these dishes look delicious 😋 I don't think it is how fancy a meal is, it's more a matter of flavor. All the ingredients you use are items that are fairly common and have lots of flavor! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us Julia. Take care.💛

  4. Bernadette C
    Bernadette C says:

    Hi – I live in the UK and am puzzled as to what a 'can of biscuits' are. Is it a biscuit mix or a dumpling mix, I am not quite sure as we cannot buy this product in the UK to my knowledge. I live in the East of England.

  5. Derek Mill
    Derek Mill says:

    Thank you for this. It's a great help to people who don't have a lot of money to spend on food.
    I live in Scotland in the UK and our cans and stuff come in different sizes so I was wondering if you could give us the weight of the cans and package's you bought so I could compare prices.
    Also as we don't have grits over here (what is it ?) could you suggest something else I could use in it's place?
    I'm looking forward to trying some of these recipes out. Bernadette

  6. Nicole W.
    Nicole W. says:

    The key to budget friendly meals is simple ingredients. Shop the sales and get creative!! I fed a family for years on a very little budget. I have never had grits so maybe something I will be trying. Thanks Julia, I have loved your videos since you had about 20 thousand subs and wow look at you now!

  7. Davide Furiosso
    Davide Furiosso says:

    Guess what? I’v come back home. Hello Mommy. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the other channels… Indian foods Asian food, but they do not show themselves or talk. You basically see hands. That’s it. but I’m not complaining because they are similar to your channel. They show you how it’s done. Step by step no fuss no fluff no jumping through hoops just give you the ingredients and measurements and make it right in front of you simple and fun and usually delicious. But not very personal. you start your videos with that face, inviting, warm, smiling face of yours which is always good. That “at ease” look and attitude you have is alluring. This world kind of sucks and just a few minutes on your channel makes me forget about all that. I actually have fun cooking your stuff and now I have returned. I’ve come back home to my first love. Hello mommy.

  8. Tara Wright
    Tara Wright says:

    I've been binge watching her videos and shouldn't have trouble thinking of what to make for dinner any time soon.
    I have to say though, if I ever here someone say, "…of some…" again it will be too soon. It was a refreshing change from the, "go ahead and…" most YouTube cooks repeat adnausium.

  9. JaydeSerich20
    JaydeSerich20 says:

    I was today years old when I learned that the orange highlighted price on the shelf tag was for Price Per Ounce! So helpful and I will be paying attention going forward! Thank You 😊


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