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I’m taking you shopping with me at Walmart for today’s grocery budget challenge! I’m showing you how I made 41 cheap meal …

20 replies
  1. Lisa Jennings
    Lisa Jennings says:

    That was awesome! I didn't think you would be able to do it but you did such an amazing job. Every meal looked great and I am really excited to try these out. The portion sizes may not work for my husband but we will still save so much money even if I double his. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Michelle Barham
    Michelle Barham says:

    Thank you so much! My 16 yr old son made me pause the video, so that he could get paper and a pen to take notes..he said he will need this information for when he's on his own. Your work in creating these videos is invaluable..even to a 16 yr old boy! 👍👍

  3. Julie Thompson
    Julie Thompson says:

    The price of meat is really unfortunate. I cannot stand ground turkey; I wish any of the other ground meats was a reasonable cost to keep things in budget. On another note, I could see halving a recipe or two for my family of four, which would free up some of the ingredients for additional meals.

  4. Barbara Sutherland
    Barbara Sutherland says:

    Don't be surprise on the cost off the rise off price in my area eggs are $5.00 a dozen at dollar tree plus half a dozen eggs are a $1.25 everything is up and these recipes will help us because right now we need all the help we can get.💯👍💯☘️💯✌️💯✌️💯👏💯🌟💯😋💯🥰💯💃💯🍚🍛🥗🍞🥒🫑🍅🍖🍲🥦🧀🍗🥑🍯🍝🥚🧁💯

  5. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    I found ground turkey for 2.20 at my Walmart. It's not in the fresh poultry section. Its in the open coolers in the middle of the aisle, near the hamburger patties 😉


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